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Chloe sighed tossing Michael into a room "stay here, Dustin will be here soon" she spat walking away. Michael growled trying to beat at the door. "LET ME OUT!" He said annoyed. Dustin chuckled, dismissing the girls and walking in "feisty!" He said smirking at him. "I like it!" He growled trying to get out of the room and past him. Dustin stopped him, "oh you aren't going anywhere~" he chuckled holding his face "Hmm" he smirked, "you'll be a perfect pet" he growled moving his face away from him. "I'm nobody's pet!" He said annoyed to him. Dustin rolled his eyes "Well not for long~" he smiled "I'll pick you up tomorrow" he said closing the door. He beat on the door again trying to open it. He huffed annoyed as he tried to look around for a way to escape.

Jake rode to the castle "so! The elf huh?" He smirked at Jeremy. Jeremy rolled his eyes. "For the millionth time yes! And he has a name Jake. It's Rich." Jake nodded "When did you get with him? What sparked?" "Before I worked for you, I lived in the lagoon near the fairies home, and one day when I was exploring I met him in an elf trap. I got him out and kept him safe since until we got jobs at the castle." He said. Jake nodded looking around "Explains the rings" he said pointing at his ring "Engaged?" "Married actually. But we knew if we had the same last name when working they wouldn't let either of us be there. So we decided he would use his maiden name in castle." He said to him. Jake sighed sadly "I'm sorry, you seem to love each other a lot, so it's gonna be like that forever?" He asked him. "For as long I'm alive, I'm going to love him." Jake nodded, seeing the castle.

Rich whimpered looking at the king, shaking like crazy. One of the maids told him that he was with Jeremy, now he was about to be killed. He could hear the sword, he sobbed. As he was forced on this knees. "Please..." he whispered. The king raised his sword as Kayla ran out. "STOP THIS! ARE YOU MAD?! HE'S DONE NOTHING WRONG!" Kayla said pulling him away from the king holding him close. "If you want him gone then he will be! Instead he will serve our kingdom instead, as a FREE SLAVE!" She said to him. Rich was shaking "it's too late your highness... I've been poisoned.... that was just to end it quickly" he whispered. She gasped hugging him scared. Ella the tiny little dragonfly saw what was happening and rushed to the spirits of the seasons. She saw spring and winter kissing softly. "HELP! HELP!" She cried. Ace squealed holding onto Peter blushing like crazy "what's wrong little one?" He asked her. "An elf was poisoned! He's in need of a antidote! Please you have to help Ace please!" She cried. Ace panicked "Peter! I-I can't go out! It's not my season! I n-n-need you go get the boy! Jeremy Heere! Bring him to me! Ella I need... a golden flower and water from the springs of youth!" He said in a panic grabbing his things to start making it. Peter nodded going with the little pixie to find Jeremy.

She soon saw him and Jake walking she gasped. "That's him!" She said pointing to them. Peter nodded going to the two making their way to the shadow kingdom. Jake looked at the castle "holy shit I think HE'S JUMPING!" He screamed running to catch Michael.Michael braces for impact hoping something would catch him, he didn't mean to let go! He was trying to climb down the tower and slipped! Jake caught him in his arms "you need to not do that again!" He said shaking that he actually caught him "holy shit" He panted running off with him "we can't stay here!" Michael held onto him. "You know I can run myself..." he mumbled. Jake sighed annoyed "Then do it" He mumbled placing him down and running off, he was so done with this prince. He hopped on his horse looking at Michael. Michael panted looking to Jake. Why did he save him? Or we'll try to save him? "T-thanks for saving me...I...I would have been killed if you didn't catch me...w -why...why did you come..." he said confused and sad. "Cause you were taken, your mothers would've been devastated... lose a family member... get on" he said seeing Jeremy race to them. He sighed sadly getting on. Of course it was just because of someone else he came, it wasn't because he cared about him... Jeremy panted worried. "T-they poisoned Rich! H-he's going to die!" He cried hysterically. Jake eyes widened "that won't happen" he said turning to Michael, pulling him so he's on the front and Jeremy could sit on the back "Let's go!" He said riding off, holding Michael close and speeding to the castle. Michael blushed a little when he held him as they sped off.

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