Getting to Know

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Dustin sighed looking at Madeline "call Squip down here" he said rubbing his head.She nodded going to their sons room. "Son...?" She knocked on his door going in. "Your father wants you." She said. Squip sighed walking down the stairs with his mother "Okay" he said bowing to his father "Michael has fled" his eyes widened "WHAT!" He yelled, Dustin groaned "watch your tone, yes he left. But we will get him back, isn't that right right dear?" He asked Madeline kissing her cheek. She nodded her head kissing him back. "That's right. We sent our best spy to find his whereabouts right now. Soon we will get him back and you'll have the prince of Zodiac." She told Squip, he sighed annoyed "they better hurry up! I want to marry him now" he said annoyed seeing his parents start to flirt. "Ugh, so uncool" he said walking to his room.

Dustin gave Madeline kisses on her neck "my beautiful queen~ my beautiful princess~" he said kissing her neck again, rubbing her tummy. She giggled kissing him happily. "Oh Dusty~" she giggled kissing him hearing a cough. It was their spy standing in the room. "Your majesties..." Dustin sighed, kissing her again "tonight, I want you naked~" he said kissing her "you can go take care of your garden now" he said giving her one last sweet kiss. She giggled kissing him again. "Alrighty Dusty, I love you~" she said leaving so he can talk with the spy. He looked to the king bowing again to him. Dustin smiled at Madeline "I love you more" he smiled before turning to JD "So! What do you got?" "I have good news and bad news... the good news, I have found the Prince of Zodiac." He said. Dustin smiled "Perfect! Where is he!" He asked him. "That's where the Bad news comes see he's...sorta...with the Prince of Areralind..." he said to them. "As in... together? Like boyfriends?" Dustin asked concerned "More like...engaged..." he said. "After he returned home apparently the two became an item and well...Jake  proposed to him and he said yes..." he said to him. Dustin growled "fuck! Son of a bitch! How are we gonna capture him... can you go see the wise one?" He asked JD. "I can try you highness but I'm not sure how much help he will be, he's a neutral being and he won't just tell me how..." JD said to him. "Just get something out of it! GO!" He boomed. JD nodded disappearing to visit Connor the Wise. Madeline came back in with a black rose crown for Dustin. "I heard...come, let's go to bed my king~" she smiled to him. Dustin nodded picking her up "of course my Queen~" he kissed her nose. Cuddling with her in bed "my beautiful, perfect, gorgeous, wonderful, did I mention beautiful? Queen~"

Connor watched as a shirtless Nathan chopped wood, he was reading a book but that ended the second his shirt flew off. "Be careful dear, you could get a splinter!" He said worried still blushing. Nathan smiled to him as he chopped another piece. "If I get a splinter will you kiss it~" he smiled. JD appeared walking over to them. "I need to speak with you O'wise one." He said. Connor looked the his tea set appeared "I'm watching the view right now, sit!" he said gesturing at the stump next to him, pouring him tea. Still watching Nathan sweat and pant. He rolled his eyes sitting. "The king of shadows has asked of me to seek your advice about obtaining an object he desires for his son." He said. "An object? Isn't he a human?" Connor asked drooling over Nathan, trying to stay focused. "Not always, but it's important to know a possible way of obtaining this object for their son." He said.

"Can you tell me anything?" Connor sighed looking at him "there is a possibility where you do succeed, others where you don't. Some with war, some with death, some with peace. The action you make from this place forward will decide which path will be the future" he said before having a knife to his neck. He looked at JD. "I can't go back to my king with that kind of advice. Give me something I can tell him that won't end with more than my life being ended." He said annoyed. Connors eyes flowed with anger "Alright..." he said grabbing the knife's blade with his hands causing him to bleed, turning the tip into a bent blade "let me tell you something Jason Dean, you don't come into my house and disrespect me like that, I can kill you in a snap if I wanted to, but I'm not. Don't underestimate me mortal I will kill you and your entire family in a second" Connor smiles creepily "do you understand sir?" He backed away nervously nodding his head. "I-I understand." He said leaving. Nathan walked over seeing his bleeding hand he gasped getting the bandages to wrap it up. "I wish you wouldn't grab knifes by the blade sometimes..." he said kissing his hand. Connor blushed kissed, his lips  "sorry~ I thought I saw a splinter" he giggled. Nathan smiled laughing to him kissing him again. "Let's go in for the night, alright?" He smiled to him. "Alright" Connor smiled as Nathan picked him and brought him to their bed. He cuddled with him happily "goodnight Nathan" he kissed him softly. "Good night Connor" he said kissing him softly going to sleep.

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