Chapter 3: Dancing and diners

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The rain pounded on the glass of my window, moving in uncoordinated streams

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The rain pounded on the glass of my window, moving in uncoordinated streams. I was dreading having to go out in such horrid weather, to witness a school volleyball game and I had no one to blame except Byun Baekhyun.

I stumbled as I was yanked towards an unknown figure. "Hey, cutie."

My forehead creased, and I was sure I had heard this voice before. Glancing up I realized the one gripping my arm was none other than Byun Baekhyun the strange boy from earlier.

"What do you want," I mumbled, aware that Taehyung was probably thoroughly confused.

"I want you to attend my volleyball game after school on Friday."

"And I would do that because?"

He leaned closer to me, whispering softly into my ear. "I know who put that flower in your locker."

I wanted to decline his offer, but I truly did want to know who did it.

I begrudgingly agreed and he sent a wolfish grin my way. "Bye, bye cutie."

I rolled my eyes, as he walked away.

I turned back to Taehyung who had an indescribable expression on his face.

"Sorry about that," I muttered sheepishly. His tight features suddenly moulded into a boxy grin.

"No problem, I'll walk you to your next class."

I sighed, realizing it was almost time to go. I shoved my phone and some cash into a small backpack, I made my way to the bus stop.

The bus was packed and I had to tolerate screaming children for the entire ride. I groaned checking the time to realize I was already late. 

I arrived at the school 10 minutes into the game and headed towards the top of the bleachers. Taking a seat on the cool metal, I whipped out my phone. He just said I had to attend not watch.

About halfway through the game, the urge to pee was killing me. I hurriedly made my way to the washroom, letting out a sigh of relief when I made it in time.

But then I was faced with a whole new dilemma. With no signs or people littering the hallway I was lost once again.

A groan escaped my lips, and I started to deeply regret my life choices.

I began to wander aimlessly, listening for the sound of rowdy teenagers. I was instead met by the tune of a heavy ballad.

I pondered following after the hypnotic sound, and being the intellectual I am, I pursued after the addicting melody.

I came to a halt in front of the room which appeared to be the source of the music. Peering in I noticed a large box in the corner of the room emitting the wonderful song.

I glanced up and was amazed to see a lithe figure dancing across the dark expanse of the room. It was quite obviously a male and the way his body contorted effortlessly amazed me.

As his performance came to an end, his limbs fell into an effortless bow. I let out a startled shriek when the lights suddenly flickered to life.

I was even more surprised though to see that the ever so graceful dancer had been none other than the notorious Park Jimin.

"I didn't know you wanted to see me so bad." He smirked, licking his lips sensually.

"Don't be so full of yourself, I only came because I thought the music sounded nice and for your information, you were about as elegant as a newborn duck."

His fleshy lips went down in a pout and he moved towards me as agile as a cat. "That's not very nice pancake."

The pet name brought a small flush to my cheeks. I wasn't used to such forms of endearment, and it felt different than it did with Baekhyun and Yoongi.

"Aww your blushing, how cute." he pinched my cheeks. I slapped his small hands away, tenderly rubbing my now even redder face.

"I'm a bit famished, and I was going to head for some lunch. Want to come with me?" he questioned pulling my hands away from the red skin.

I sent him a scrutinizing gaze at his random question. "Will you pay?"

"Of course I'll pay, and maybe you'll even get an extra treat."

Ignore the last sentence I debated between my two options. Free food or finding out who put the begonia in my locker.

"Sure." Free food obviously reigned supreme. Sorry Baekhyun, but I had to uphold my duty as the bearer of a stomach.

The blond boy grabbed his white duffel bag off the floor and I followed him out into the parking lot.

He let me over to a shiny black Lexus. My mouth fell agape, as I took in the sleek exterior of the car that basically looked brand new.

"What never seen a car before? Or do you just want to ride Jimin?"

"Don't push it Park."

I climbed into the passenger seat and was flabbergasted when Jimin leaned over to do my seatbelt.

"Wouldn't want you flying through the windshield."

"Actually I think I would more so glide."

"I'm sure you would, pancake."

I rolled my eyes, and the remainder of the ride was spent in a comfortable silence.

We pulled up at a bustling diner, and I remember BamBam telling me that they had really good milkshakes here.

Following after my blond companion, a waitress showed us to a small booth by the window.

I slid in across from Jimin, sinking into the comfy fabric of the seat. "Let's play 20 questions."

I gave Jimin a skeptical look. "It'll be fun pancake."

I hesitantly agreed, and it was actually quite amusing. He was way more interesting than I had initially assumed and we only stopped to order our food.

I had learned that his birthday was October 13th, his favourite colours are blue and black, he was born here in Busan, wanted to be a dance major and was the last one to join his group of friends.

I was snapped out of my train of thought when I felt something cool and chunky land on the front of my shirt.

I looked down to see that my whole shirt was drenched in strawberry milkshake. I guess I wouldn't be trying the famous milky goodness today. 

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