Chapter 20: Sweet and Angry

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Despite my hesitations, I carefully kissed the boy back, allowing myself to revel in the softness of his lips.

He pulled away a bit too soon for my liking and stared me straight in the eyes. Sighing Yoongi ran a hand through his mint locks.

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking, I really shouldn't have done that."

I sent him a smile, despite the violent tugging at my heartstrings. "It's fine let's just get to school."

The rest of the car ride was filled with an awkward silence and I couldn't help but fidget with my fingers.

Was I really that bad of a kisser?

It's true that I hadn't kissed a boy since Oliver Smith back in middle school but I didn't think I was that bad.

"Was it really that terrible?"

Yoongi chuckled. "You're not a poor kisser Jihye, I just did it in the spur of the moment and without your consent."


My cheeks flared at his answer and I found his response sweet?

We didn't speak of the kiss after that and the awkwardness was replaced with a comfortable silence.

He pulled up into the school parking lot and after calling him a ghost I ran into school, a feeling I couldn't quite place causing a smile on my face.


I was enveloped in a hug by a squealing Jisoo who was followed by a less than happy BamBam.

"I got a boyfriend!" the brunette giggled, waving her hands around like a maniac.

The boy behind her simply huffed, crossing his arms.

"Good for you Jisoo! What's his name?" I smiled patting the girls back.

"His names Mark Tuan he's super sweet and-"

She was cut off by BamBam. "My brother."

I twisted my face up. "Well, that's awkward."

"No it's not," the short female pouted.

"It is you didn't even ask me before you decided to date my brother! The biggest man hoe I know!"

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you before I fell in love BamBam, and Mark is not a hoe he's kind and treats me well and as my best friend I was hoping you would support me."

I felt like I was intruding as the duo continued to argue.

"It's because I'm your best friend that I want what's best for you, and I live with him, Mark is not a good person," he paused, "In more ways than you might be able to imagine."

Jisoo glared at him. "Honestly BamBam I regret ever telling you."

The girl brushed past the boy, storming off down the hall.

I watched as the ravenette rubbed his eyes, before mumbling a slight tremble in his voice. "I really just want to keep her safe."

I felt instant sympathy for the fragile male in front of me. "Hey it's Jisoo's choice and at least you tried your best."

BamBam shot me a gentle smile. "Thanks Jihye, I guess you're right."

"I'll see you at lunch Bam don't stress too much."

I waved the boy goodbye and I instantly went onto Instagram and searched up Mark Tuan. I knew that it wasn't really my place to intervene between Jisoo and BamBam's feud but I couldn't help but be curious.

A bunch of accounts popped up but I assumed his was the one followed by Jisoo. Scrolling through his social media, and his page definitely screamed man whore.

Under all his posts there were at least 50 thirst tweets with equally thirsty responses and I could only pray that my brunette friend knew what she was doing.

I arrived at science class with little delay, and I was immediately greeted by a bubbly Hoseok.

"How are you feeling Jihye?" he questioned smiling as I sat down.

"What do you mean how am I feeling?"

"Well we didn't want to worry you but sometimes the veritas can have side effects."


"The black stuff Seokjin hyung put on your forehead."

"That nasty stuff has side effects!" I exclaimed, I really didn't want my skin to change purple or grow horns out of my head.

"It can have side effects," he corrected. "But they're only minor like dizziness or nausea."

I let out a sigh of relief at the simplistic side effects and proceeded to tell him that I had experienced neither of those.

"Well there is one more potential side effect.." he trailed off.

I quirked an eyebrow. "What kind?"

"Well since your ability has to do with fire your skin could start bubbling and melting off."

"What!" I shrieked, already imagining the stench of burning flesh.

The orange-haired boy beside me burst into laughter at my immediate alarm.

"You should've seen your face!" he cackled.

I pouted stepping on his foot to which he let out a yelp.

"That's what you get for making fun of me."

"Sorry Jihye," he muttered the last of his laughs fading.

"Mr. Jung and Ms. Song, would you like to tell the rest of us what's so funny?"

I glanced up at Mrs. Kim whose face was contorted in a scowl.

"No Mrs. Kim," I grumbled looking away from the irritated woman.

"That's what I thought."

She turned back to the board continuing to rant about who knows what.

The rest of the class was spent in boredom and let's just say I felt deceased when lunch rolled around.

I was halfway through grabbing my lunch from my locker when a random male appeared.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was Jisoo's boyfriend.

"Song Jihye, right?"

"Yeah, Mark Tuan right?" I mocked. I didn't know why I felt so hostile towards the blond, but even ignoring BamBam and Jisoo's opinions on him, he carried a bad vibe.

"I just wanted to meet Jisoo's favourite female friend," he explained, "But it seems that you're a stuck up bitch."

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows at his accusation. Sure I was kind of rude but not rude enough to be considered a bitch. 

"You heard me, I literally just asked who you were and you responded like an ass."

"Well sorry for coming off as a bit hostile, but that doesn't mean you can just label me as a bitch."

He faked thinking. "Hmm well, I think it does."

"Honestly if I'm a bitch than that makes you a grade-A douchebag," I shrugged.

He raised his hand and my eyes widened in shock. Was he actually mad enough to slap me?

I watched as his hand was caught by a very angry looking redhead.


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