Chapter 36: Labels and Connections

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He cupped my face, softly rubbing his thumb against my jaw, as our lips separated. "J-Jimin," I stuttered, feeling my face flush with crimson red. My heart rate rose suddenly as I realized that this in fact was about to happen.

His mouth curved up into a slight grin as he pressed his slim index finger against his lips to silence me and what else I had to say. Before I could comprehend what was going on, I found Jimin diving forward to press the plump pillows of his mouth against mine once again. I felt his lips start to move smoothly against my own and I froze at once at the very intimate action. My eyes fluttered shut on instinct as I slowly matched his pace, confidently reaching up behind his neck to pull him down more towards me.

It sent a flurry of emotions through me-the predominant being happiness. It was different from any kind of rush I had felt before-startling me into a sudden realization as we parted for the second time.

"I like you."

The truth of the statement bloomed in small epiphanies that shook my mind:

I liked the way he smiled and his sense of humour-the way he turned dancing into a whole-nother art. But what I liked most was the way he made me feel like anything was possible as long as I was with him.

I watched as his eyes disappear behind his cheeks and I let out a squeak as he pulled me into his arms, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"I like you too," he muttered. "I like you so so much."

I grinned at that-lifting my arms to run soothing circles on his back. A few moments later he carefully pulled away, his eyes meeting mine.

An uncharacteristic blush decorated his cheeks and he nervously bit his lips. I let out a small giggle at his anxiousness- choosing to ignore my own.

"What is it?"

"Well, umm... Song Jihye" He took a breath, rising a little taller and tentatively cupping my face in his hands "-will you be my girlfriend?" He finished.

Now it was my turn to flush crimson and I shouted a quick yes before awkwardly covering my mouth. That may have come out a bit too eagerly.

I expected him to tease me but instead a massive grin formed on his face as he peppered my face with kisses.

The next morning Chaeyoung woke us up with her obnoxious singing to some bubbly song. By the sound of it, it was entitled something like "Mic Drop".

I groaned-wiping the sleep from my tired eyes. I sloppily shoved one of the remaining bagels into my mouth. Chaeyoung poked easy fun at my caveman-like behaviour- something I responded to with a playful glare.

Jimin was a heavy sleeper and had yet to get up so I decided to let him have a few more minutes of sleep.

My old strawberry blond friend came to sit beside me laying her head back against the cool silver doors of the car.

"Y'know I really missed you Munchkin."

I smiled-remembering the name she used to call me when we were kids. She couldn't pronounce my name right so she opted for the totally unrelated nickname of Munchkin instead.

"I missed you too," I mumbled. "It was really weird without you those first couple weeks after I moved."

"Same here, I had no Jihye to pull pranks on," She said playfully, but the underlying melancholy didn't go unnoticed.

"I was thinking that maybe once this is all over I'll stay in Korea with my grandparents for a little bit before taking over my duties in Australia. Maybe we could catch up?"

I smiled genuinely at the thought of rekindling our friendship. "I'd like that."

"Good, now stop looking like an angry rat," she said, standing up and ruffling my hair. I glared and she winked in response, strolling away.

I was left to my thoughts once more and I couldn't stop anxious thoughts from overtaking me.

My task today hadn't fully sunk in yet and I was trying to avoid thinking about it. But it was too late now. Thoughts of what if I failed and everyone got murdered, or what if I was already too late, or they figured out our plan, or my family had already been hurt.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a peck was placed on my forehead. "Hey I know what your thinking and we're going to save everyone ok?" a sleepy Jimin insisted.

I nodded, feeling reassured by his confident grin. He intertwined his hand with mine hoisting me up from my seat on the ground.

"What is this?," Chaeyoung questioned narrowing her eyes. I followed her gaze to our clasped hands.

"He's my boyfriend." The word felt foreign on my tongue, yet right at the same time and I couldn't help the giddy smile that formed on my face.

"Okay well as long as you're happy and not going kissy in front of me. That shits nasty."

I let out a laugh sending her a playful wink. "We'll see."

"Mhmm no promises pancake," Jimin grinned and I swatted his arm. I then proceeded to slip on what was left of my bulletproof vest, adjusting my damaged hoodie.

Despite my ruined attire, Chaeyoung's magic ball of healing made my body feel brand new.

Once the three of us were finally ready to go, I took one last look at the van before heading into the forest.

The morning dew had left the grass rather damp and I groaned as it soaked through my running shoes and into my socks.

"Here I'll carry you," Jimin offered. I was about to protest when he swept me off my feet and into a princess carry.

"My pancake's feet are all wet, I can't let you drown!" he exclaimed, hurrying to catch up with Chaeyoung.

I laughed playfully rolling my eyes at his absurd comments. He eventually hesitantly plopped me onto my feet when the entrance of the mountain came into view.

"So I'll go in there and distract them well you guys free the others?"

The strawberry blond nodded. "And then we'll look for the room where the vessels are, come find us immediately once he starts to become suspicious or they're alerted of their missing hostages."

She embraced me in a hug. "Make sure to be careful."

"I will."

She backed away a satisfied smile on her face. "Remember you have your earpiece if you need help."

I nodded, turning to Jimin who had a pensive look on his face.

I leaned in, giving him a soft kiss. I hoped he could feel everything I needed to say through the intimate action.

I begrudgingly pulled away and after promising him 500 times that I'd stay safe I headed with trepidation towards the looming metal doors.

The reassurance that I was saving my family allowing me to continue moving forward- no matter how scared I felt.

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