Chapter 22: Mission Briefing and Coutume stores

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Wednesday had come sooner than I had hoped. I got spared from heading to Bangtans headquarters yesterday, due to the Mark situation, but today I was not so lucky.

Seokjin mind linked me directions, which honestly still felt quite strange, but I managed to arrive safely to the mansion.

I rang the doorbell twice and watched the heavy oak doors open to reveal a beaming Jungkook. "Jihye you're finally here! We were beginning to think you got lost."

I shrugged, "My wonderful driving skills really helped me get here quickly, I think i might consider becoming a Nas car driver."

I watched as he poked the inside of his cheek, not amused by my joke. "I'll drive you from now on then!"

"It's okay Coconut, I'll get better after a while."

"Don't call me coconut and no I want to drive you!" he glared.

I held up my hands in mock surrender. "Ok, I'm sorry I didn't know you cared that much."

A smile lit his face and he dragged me deeper into the large house. We arrived in what appeared to be a meeting room and I immediately noticed the scowl on Namjoons face.

"Took you long enough," he scoffed, gesturing for me to take a seat. I simply shot him a glare not in the mood to start an argument with him.

I slipped into the chair beside Hoseok just as Namjoon began to speak. "So as most of you know, there are some members of the council attending our school and I was given the heads up by Exo that some of them might be attending the Halloween bonfire tonight."

"I thought all the alliances wanted to best each other so why would, Exo tell you they would be there?" I questioned.

"That's because Exo and us have a closer alliance than the other rebellions so we let each other know these things, we will also be tackling this mission together."

I nodded as he continued. "Jihye you'll be with Jimin. Jungkook with Tae, Yoongi with Hoseok and Seokjin and I will be in partners."

I assumed that was so we can all safely split up and lower the risk of getting injured or caught, but why did I have to be with the lord of the perverts.

I watched in discontentment as Jimin sent me a wink from across the table.

Namjoon gave Jimin a look and the boy pouted. "Anyways, you'll know they're a council member if they have a white tattoo on their wrist, there shouldn't be too many people there so it should be a relatively easy task to spot them."

I was grateful for Namjoon just this once, because I was pretty sure all of the boys already knew this information and he was simply doing it for my sake.

He proceeded to pass out a bunch of ear pieces. "This is how we will be communicating with each other."

I fiddled with the small black earpiece.

"Now go find a Halloween costume and meet back here at 7."

My face paled. How was I supposed to find a Halloween costume on such short notice!

As if sensing the panic on my face Namjoon offered to take me shopping.

"Your joking right?"

He rolled his eyes. "No, I don't want you to show up dressed like some hoe looking police officer."

I was about to retort, but then if I did go with Namjoon I don't have to drive.


I begrudgingly followed him out of the house but not before telling the remaining boys that I wanted pink roses at my funeral and not red ones, because surely the silver-haired male would find a way to end me today.

I climbed into yet another expensive car and the ride to the nearest costume store was spent in awkward silence.

We arrived in front of a shady looking store and I simply gave the boy beside me a look. "I literally just clicked the first sore that popped up on the GPS it's not my fault."

"Whatever you say Saltjoon."

I could see he was about ready to beat me, so I exited the car before he had a chance to open his mouth.

I strolled into the store and was appalled by the many garments strewn across the floor and the wracks that were filled with a variety of mismatched costumes.

I turned to Namjoon who had an equally unimpressed face, his nose scrunched up from the pungent smell.

"This is why we don't trust what the GPS recommends." I scolded.

He rolled his eyes. "At least the GPS knows where it's going you would've driven off a cliff thinking the store was at the bottom of it."

I shot him the middle finger before squeezing my way into one of the many compact isles.

I fingered through the many scandalous outfits, disturbed by the half a bra I discovered, the costume titled half angel half devil.

"Dumb Dumb I found one!" I looked up already knowing it was Namjoon. He held up a black bodysuit and a pair of cat ears and I gave him the look.

"It literally shows no skin and is easy to move around in idiot."

Well, he was right and it was probably the most reserved outfit here unless I wanted to dress up as a carrot.

"Fine but no cat ears."

"Then you just look like your dressed as yourself."

"I disagree."

We had a staring contest from across the store until I eventually caved, eyes incapable of staring any longer.

A triumphant grin made its way onto his face and I really wanted to punch him.

We made our way over to the cash register and I watched as the teal-haired cashier looked up from her phone.

She rung the items through the obnoxious smacking of her bubble gum popping irking me to no end.

I reached forward to pay but was intercepted by Namjoon who insisted he pay because he chose the costume.

I was suspicious but thanked him nonetheless.

We finally exited the unkempt store and I let out a breath of relief, as I no longer smelled the tang of musty, old shoes.

I checked my phone and was not happy to see that it was almost 7. I really didn't want to go on this mission, I'd much rather be pretending that I'm 10 and going trick or treating.

But nooooo... Jihye has to go do teenager things now.

I pouted subconsciously, sliding into Namjoons car. Not too sure if I was ready for the night ahead. 

I still can't add gifs for some reason so there might not be any for a while T-T

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