Chapter 35: Starlight and Feelings

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"So what's your ability anyways?" Jimin questioned Chaeyoung.

"Well," she muttered, picking at her violet nail polish. "I'm a partum and I can heal."

His face dropped. "That's not much help if you can only heal."

She shot him a pointed glare, throwing up her middle finger. A small orb of lime green light swirling at her fingertip.

With a flick of her wrist, the tiny ball was sent hurtling towards my stomach. I let out a startled screech, trying my best to avoid the mysterious object.

I made it less than a foot before it collided with my already wounded gut.

I fell to the ground in a heap, scrunching my eyes closed tightly as I waited for the blinding pain.

I was shocked when instead a wave of relief washed over me, a content sigh released my mouth as I could feel the tension leave my body.

"What the hell!" I heard Jimin exclaimed, the sound of rushing feet filling my ears.

"Pancake please don't be dead," he panicked, shaking my limp body.

"Jimin stop," I groaned swatting his concerned hands away.

I healed her," Chaeyoung explained. "And I guess her body and her mind were distraught so that kind of happened."

She pointed to the lump that had become me on the floor.

Jimin's gaze became slightly less concerned and I allowed him to pick me up off the ground without a fuss.

He popped open the trunk of the van placing me gently in the back. He then took a seat beside me pulling my head down onto his lap.

I was too relaxed to protest and I guess it felt kind of nice?

Chaeyoung plopped down in the seat across from us, propping her head up on her knees.

"So since we obviously can't beat him with raw power alone and we don't have time to wait for backup, I was thinking we could just save your friends split up then get rid of the vessels."

That actually could work. The equation wouldn't add up when you remove a variable. Even if it wasn't the most major one.

"But then we have to figure out how to get inside the building in the first place," I spoke up, adjusting my position so I was resting on Jimin's thigh. "Namjoon needed a code that changes every so often. He got it from one of Exo's hackers, so I'm not sure how we're going to get in without a hacker, plus the fact that now they're expecting it."

Jimin sighed from above me. "Well I would try to teleport in, but the door and the mountain are too thick for my ability."

Chaeyoung nodded in understanding before a Cheshire grin stretched across her face.

"If they're expecting you Jihye then why don't you just give yourself to them? They don't know you've found Jimin and they have no idea that I'm here, so when they open the gates Jimin could teleport us in."

"I guess that could work, it's kind of risky though," Jimin said hesitantly.

The girl across from us merely rolled her eyes. "There's no safe option at this point if we want to save your friends and stop his plan before it's too late."

He sighed, nodding begrudgingly.

"So would I serve as a distraction well you guys go free the others?" I asked.

"Yup, by then someone will probably figure out they escaped so you'll have to use your satanic wizard magic to get the hell out of there and too wherever he's holding the vessels."

"I'm assuming we'll have to play the guessing game to find out where that is?"

Chaeyoung let out a sigh. "Unfortunately." She held up a small black earpiece. "Do you two have these?"

We both nodded.

"Good now we have a way to communicate, let's start the plan tomorrow so we have time to rest up."

I looked outside surprised to see that it had already become quite dark.

I begrudgingly pulled myself up from Jimin's lap, feeling rejuvenated after my short rest. To my luck, I spotted a small cooler lodged in between the trunk and back seat.

I pulled it out of its hiding spot, cracking it open to reveal 8 bagels and bottles of water all neatly labelled by name in what I recognized to be Seokjin's handwriting.

I smiled softly at the dark-haired male's kindness, passing out bagels to both Chaeyoung and Jimin. We would have to eat the others for breakfast.

I bit into the soft bread, savouring the taste of what seemed to be homemade cream cheese. The source of my tastebuds happiness disappeared sooner than I had hoped and I was left slowly drinking my water that immediately soothed the parched throat I hadn't even known I had.

"We should probably get some rest," I suggested. "We can sleep in shifts in case anyone does come by. I can take the first one."

The two of them nodded in agreement and Jimin offered to take the second shift. They headed off to sleep and I was left to clamber to the top of the vehicle as a lookout.

An hour had passed and I was growing bored staring off into the distance.


I let out a startled yelp at the sudden noise, glaring at Jimin who was already climbing on top of the hood to join me.

I peered down at my watch. "Your shift doesn't start for another hour and a half. What are you doing up?"

He sighed, adjusting his position beside me. "Just lost in thought, I couldn't sleep."

I cast him a concerned glance. "You really should get some sleep you're going to need your energy."

He shot me a wink, a sly smile making its way onto his face. "Is someone worried about me."

I glared. "Yes, Jimin I'm worried about you if your out of it you might get seriously hurt."

He held up his hands in mock surrender. "I was joking around, it's nice to know you care though."

"Sorry I think I'm still a bit tense," I apologized, sending him a weak smile.

He frowned placing a soothing hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, here."

The blond layed down on the roof of the car shooting me an expectant look and I followed suit rather confused.


"Look at the sky."

I cast my gaze upwards and instantly became mesmerized by the twinkling stars. They were so much brighter than the ones in the city.

"That's Antlia," he murmured, pointing to a cluster of stars. "It looks like a machine."

I stared hard at the luminous specks, kind of seeing the shape. "How did you know that?"

His lips turned upwards slightly. "Before I left to join the rebellion and started dancing, I used to stargaze all the time. My Dad was actually an astronomer."

I shot him a questioning glance and he let out a chuckle. "I know, even I find it strange how my passions switched like that. I guess after my Dad forced me to join the rebellion that part of me died."

"Jimin," I trailed off a pang of sympathy hitting me when I remembered I had joined them in a similar way. "It's okay, he told me he was too old to be doing such things and guilted me into joining Namjoon, I guess I do understand why he wanted me to fight for freedom. But I don't think I can ever stop feeling like he abandoned me."

I quickly enveloped him in a hug, not knowing what words I could use to comfort the boy who was quite obviously hurting.

I pulled away staring into his chocolate orbs that had become glossed over by liquid. He was beautiful even as tears began trailing down his cheeks, nose turning red.

I leaned forward and so did he. My heart had suddenly sprung to life, jumping at an erratic pace and I found myself closing the gap.

Our lips sealed together in a gentle kiss. 

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