Chapter 24: Chloroform and Beer

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"Ok, so we should try and apprehend Mark then?"

"I suppose, be careful though they may have backup," Namjoon stated warily.

Jimin confirmed we would be careful before turning the mic off. I followed suit, trying to think of a way to kidnap Mark.

The blond boy snapped his fingers beside me as if having a minor epiphany. "How about you tell Mark you'll replace his shoes and then lead him into a secluded area and chloroform him."

I snapped my fingers in return. "It's perfect, the fool is so obsessed with those shoes, I'm sure he'll fall for it."

"Ok... How about you lead him to the big willow tree over there and then I'll drug him when he's not looking."

I nodded slowly. "But didn't you say your race isn't affected by drugs?"

"Our race," he corrected, "And we're not affected if it comes in small doses, like if you were to spike an ability users drink, basically the whole drink would have to be drugged for it to work the same way it would on humans."

"So you're going to dunk a whole towel in chloroform."

He smiled, his eyes transforming into crescent moons. "Exactly. Your so smart pancake."

I gave him a look. "And where will you get enough chloroform to do that?" There was literally no way to get enough chloroform to drench a whole towel.

"You'll see." he winked.

In a flash, Jimin had vanished and I was left gaping at the spot where he had once stood.

"That dude just disappeared," slurred a drunk boy. I tensed as he stumbled over a fallen log. I prayed that no one would take him seriously and fortunately for me, his friend tugged him away, but not before telling him he was so drunk he had begun hallucinating.

I let out a sigh of relief and internally cursed Jimin for his stupidity. He can't just freaking teleport away in the middle of a party and expect no one to see him.

The blond reappeared a moment later clutching a sopping wet towel. All thoughts of scolding him left my head as I stared blankly at the drenched piece of fabric. "How the hell did you get ahold of that!"

He grinned. "We always have a spare jug of chloroform in the back of the truck and I just stole this towel for someone."

I let out a sigh. There was literally no point in questioning why they had all this stuff and Jimin stealing a towel was the least of my worries.

"So I'll go hide behind the tree, now you go talk to Mark." The boy vanished again and I was left to go look for the obnoxious council member.

It wasn't too hard to find him, he sat grumbling by a cooler full of beer and I really started to question Jisoo's taste in men.

Playboy Mark turns out to be obsessed with his Gucci slides and has the soul of an angry 5-year-old. A greater header for an article if I don't say so myself. 

I strode up to the irritable boy and he looked up at me with distaste. "What do you want."

He took a swig out of a half-full beer bottle and I noticed that he had many others scattered around him.

This was almost going to be too easy.

"So Mark, I felt bad about ruining your shoes so I wanted to give you money to buy new ones."

He looked at me suspiciously and I knew even in his intoxicated state, he might need a little bit more coaxing.

"And I might even put in a good word about you to Jisoo to make it up to you."

"Sounds fair enough, now hand over the money." He made grabby hands towards the wallet in my clutch.

I pursed my lips. "How about I give it to you over by that tree so no one tries to steal it."

He nodded stumbling into a standing position.

I led him towards the willow tree, annoyed by his constant hiccuping and whining.

Finally, we reached our destination and I pretended to be looking for the money in my wallet. As if on cue Jimin appeared behind him, pulling the towel tightly over his mouth.

He barely struggled already under the influence of alcohol and slumped to the ground within minutes.

"That was surprisingly easy?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Was it suppose to be hard?"

"Well, I thought he would at least put up a fight."

"He was drinking beer and," I bent down to pull a bottle out of his pants. "Soju too."

My blond companion let out a laugh. "I guess this worked out in our favour then."

"Now go and grab his feet pancake."

I complied and together we took a back route back to the car.

The other boys were already there and I noticed that Namjoon appeared to be quite perturbed.

"You guys caught him!" Jungkook exclaimed racing forward to examine the unconscious male.

I watched as Namjoon took him from our grasp tossing him in the back with the other captive I couldn't quite see.

"Exo already left they said that there was basically a horde of people working for the council on the other side of the lake. We have to leave now."

"Sorry but I don't think that will be happening."

I watched in horror as maybe 20 white-clad people emerged from the woods. How had we not seen them before!

"They must have someone with a cloaking ability," cursed Yoongi.

Jihye Hoseok is going to sprout some trees in front of us and I need you to light them on fire.

I gulped as Jin's voice continued to invade my head.

Then we're all going to get in the van and escape ok?

But what if one of them has a water ability?

Taehyung can counter it, now it's now or never.

I winced watching as the people began to advance.

If I was going to do this I had to do it now. 

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