Chapter 29: Train Sets and Ponds

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We arrived at Bangtan's house shortly after school and I was greeted by the sight of Namjoon anxiously pacing back and forth.

"What's got your panties in a twist?"

He paused shooting me an unimpressed look. "I'm trying to figure out a way to save everyone that won't leave you with PTSD, that's what's got my panties in a twist."

I quieted at that, murmuring a quick sorry.

He simply sighed running a hand through his messy locks. "We're going to have to infiltrate the council, we can't afford to keep taking small steps at this point, who knows when they will have enough vessels to carry out their plan."

I gulped nodding in agreement.

"The other rebellions will be here tomorrow, so we need to come up with a plan. I also have no idea what to do with Mark, I think Hoseok went and force-fed him pancakes this morning."

I snickered at that imagining the orange-haired boy shovelling forkfuls of fluffy goodness into the mouth of a grumpy Mark.

Hoseok walked in the room a look of distaste on his face. "Correction, I tried to feed him pancakes. Ungrateful, troll spit out all of Jin's wonderful food."

I feigned a gasp. "How dare he, he might as well be a happy hostage while he's here."

The boy playfully rolled his eyes, lips stretching into a heart-shaped smile. "Right? So rude of him."

"Wait that's it!"

We both turned to Namjoon who looked like his brain just exploded.

"We have to force him to submit."

I narrowed my eyes. "No duh, or else someone has to die."

Namjoon scoffed. "If we convince the Aquelis that what's being done is wrong we have a chance of ending this with minimal bloodshed."

I paused. "I don't know that sounds a little too easy."

"I'm sure another aquelis hasn't tried to convince him before."

"So you want me to act as the negotiator."

He nodded. "It might not work, there's like a 20 percent chance, but it's worth a shot. If not we will have to resort to plan B."

I paled at the thought of plan B. 20 percent would have to be enough.

"Now." He moved over to a Thomas the train set in the corner, picking up the blue train. "We still have to get into their base somehow. BamBam said that they recently moved their base to Daegu."

He placed the train, along with 3 others in front of one of the plastic mountains. He named the red one I*ZONE, the orange one Exo, the green one Red Velvet and the blue one was us.

"BamBam said that there are 3 entrances, North, West and South, so we'll go in all 3 to optimize our chances. There's a code that changes daily to get in, but I'm sure one of Exo's hackers can figure out the pattern."

He nudged all the trains except the red one into the tunnel on each side of the mountain. "Once we're in we'll look for the Aquelis's room, BamBam says they're almost always in there so that's why no ones has seen them."

"We'll make sure to get you into their room to try and negotiate," he sighed. "And if all else fails we'll be relying on you to kill them."

I flinched at the idea but nodded nonetheless.

"Then we'll either leave with the Aquelis or by ourselves depending on what happens. "I*ZONE will be waiting by the west exit to make sure we get out safely."

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