chapter three

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When Laurance found out about Aphmau's interaction with Katelyn, he wasn't happy. I wasn't surprised that Aphmau even did that. She's always been the type of person to try to protect those she cares for, but she doesn't realizing that she's actually controlling them. I can't help but wonder if she'll end up having Y/N be corrupted too.

Since then, neither Levi nor Laurance have left me a minute to myself. Even when I go to the bathroom, somebody is there watching for me. Normally they send Katelyn with me, but she's not even allowed the be alone now. To say that this entire experience is overwhelming is only minimum.

I feel like a princess. I'm waited on, protected, and I'm not allowed to fight my own battles. I honestly hate it so much that it has gotten to the point where I want to rip out my rings and make myself human as I burn my rings with the fire of my anger. Then I'd really be different.

Laurance tells me I should be proud to be corrupted. Levi tells me that I'm a princess, and he's my knight. I say that I'm a modern day female who can do anything a male can, but she's simply stuck under a weight.

It's only time for Vylad to become corrupted, but he's too stubborn to become oblivious. I was oblivious. I didn't understand that I was hurting myself more than I was helping others when I was pure. Now look where that got me. My progress went down the drain, and I'm hated.

But in the end, I want to see Aphmau become dark. Not because I don't like her but because she deserves it. She's worse than Laurance, and he's basically become the leader of the darks since Gene. . . was demoted, but I wouldn't wish harm upon the darks by giving her even the smallest dose of her presence. There's still some pure in me. But sadly, there isn't enough for me to become pure. Once you become corrupted or dark, it's hard to turn back.

My window's glass breaks and shatters all over the floor of my room. I panic and ignore who is even at my window. I try to pick up the shards quickly with bare hands and dispose of them, but a small piece of glass slips and cuts all the ways down the palm of my hand. My hand flies to my wrist and holds onto it as I begin to feel warm liquid run down my cheeks.

I look up to see Levi sneak into my room and shut was is left of my window. I let got of my wrist and grab onto the larger rock that caused the mess and throw it at him. "You ill-advised mother fucker!"

He follows me as I run out of the room into the bathroom. He puts his hands up. Sometimes he reminds me of a Jason Dean to my Veronica. Except, I don't even feel anything towards the dude! He just doesn't leave me alone. It's become kind of creepy if you ask me.

"Ah, babe, calm down. It's just a rock. Don't hurt it's feelings."

I snap my head in his direction and glare with all my might. "Feelings?! Feelings?! I had to clean up your bloody mess, and you're telling me not to hurt it's feelings?! Get out of my house!" I back him up out of the bathroom near my, now broken, window and open it up. Levi is pushed out, and I slam it shut. More pieces break off, and I lock it up (well what's left of it at least).

Levi flies up to my window and pouts. "Come on babe, don't be like that! Get dressed you're my date for tonight!"

"Like hell I am!" I snap and shake my head, watching a little bit of blood run down my arm. Just how deep is this cut?

I run off to Cadenza's room and beg her to help me. Cadenza hadn't turned her back on me like the others did. I don't know if there's even anyone who even cares about me anymore honestly. Why would they? I'm different.

Cadenza says that my change in form isn't my fault, but I know better than to believe that. I shouldn't have tired changing anyone because it ended up hurting me more than anyone. How could I be so stupid?

She runs my hand under water, and I wince at the contact it has with my skin. It gets worse as she continues to help me. I sit on top of the toilet seat and suck in some air through my teeth as she disinfects the cut.

"You need to be more careful with glass," she hums at me, wrapping up my hand. Laurance doesn't like having Cadenza help him with him. He pushes her away, but I try to continue to keep close to her. They're my siblings, and I love them. Even if Laurance is bad at showing love, I know he at least feels a small bit. "But then again, they need to stop throwing rocks at your window. He needs to leave you alone."

Laurance pushes the door open with his hand as Katelyn hangs on his arm. I roll my eyes at the dress that rests on her very own arm. It must be mine. There's no escaping this date.

"Get ready for tonight. Quit acting stupid and pushing Levi away. Unlike other people, he actually likes you. I'll see you in a little bit. See if your big sister will help you get ready," he simply tells me, and they walk away after throwing the dress in my direction. Katelyn's already dressed, so it's only a matter of time until Levi comes back and I'm forced to apologize and pretend that everything is okay when it's really not. I'm fine.

"He's an idiot," Cadenza hisses and helps me by cleaning up the glass mess on my floor as I get dressed. It's better to just get ready than disobey Laurance. At least with listening to him, the possible consequences wouldn't be that bad with the outcome. She smiles meekly at me when she finishes and picks up a stand of my hair and lets it drop on my back. "I think I'll curl it."


I'm basically Levi's arm candy at this point. I hold onto his arm as he does the talking. He can be really sweet at times, but it's only when Laurance isn't around. But then again, he broke my window not even two hours ago.

Laurance and Katelyn walk into the restaurant ahead of us as Levi and Laurance continue on an intense conversation regarding the payback they will bring upon the pures. Once we walk in, I see Vylad and his family and wave subtlety, and he even smiles back at me. Oh I miss that smile. Then I notice a girl next to him, and my heart starters into a million pieces. It's that Y/N girl.

There's no escaping her. . . especially once we lock eyes.

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