let go

189 9 1
  • Dedicated to to the lad i still have feelings for

it always seems like,

it's just yesterday that those things happened.

when, i push myself to have more feelings than i have for you before,

and these memories are fresh but their reasons are blur.

never did i knew that it'll come naturally.

until, i've realized that those feelings that  i push myself through to have for you,

will be more than i've ever expected. 

and to be completely and utterly honest, 

it's the most amazing feeling that any 

human being could feel

and not a single thing could even beat that. 

then, this day came.

when, i wanted to push myself through in having feelings for you. 

i swear, i never did regret what i felt. 

because i already knew, that you don't

feel the same way i do.

maybe, the best way to prevent things from getting worse is to push myself again

but now, i'm pushing myself off of you.

so, it wouldn't hurt as much as i've ever imagined.

and it never nearly hurt like

i've ever imagined

because, it was much worse. 

it forever seemed like,

it was all just yesterday.

and i wasn't even aware that it's been months,

and since the day my mind gone crazy

by realizing that it all comes naturally.

everything was so much more, than i've ever imagined. 

it's been about ten months,

is it too late to push myself off of this feeling completely?

i know, it's beyond late. actually, i knew that everything is.

because whatever i do, i can't even push myself off of you.

and it sucks, though everything sucks.

because even if if did my best to lost my grip on this thing,

it's gravitational force is always pulling me back.

just like, how i always wanted to let go,

things always seem that letting go wouldn't be worth it.



{note: aye, thank you for "Poetry #591 and Short Story #782" geez, sorry for having another note again. but, seriously thank you lovelies}

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