The Weird Twins

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Deep In the enchanted forest of Gravity Falls as a castle. In that castle live Bill a very selfish prince but with the most beautiful things inside, and with parties with only the most beautiful people.

One stormy night while Bill was having a party a knock was heard from the outside doors of the ballroom. When the doors burst opened they all saw an old woman. She begged Bill to give her some water and some warmth from the fire place in exchange for a beautiful rose. Disgusted by the old woman he told her to leave and never come back. She begged him to let her in since the weather was very rough. He dismissed her once again.

On the last plead and the last dismissal the old woman turned her self into her real form of a very beautiful enchantress. Bill saw her beauty and begged her for her forgiveness. The enchantress saw that he had no love in his heart and casted a spell on him and everyone who lived in the castle. Everyone else was running out, out of fear of being casted a curse as well. Bill kept pleading to the enchantress to forgive him. Out of the kindness of her heart she told him her deal.

" You will turn into a demon and everyone who lives in this castle will also be cursed. Unless you could

could learn to love someone and earn their love in return the curse will be broken but if you fail when the last petal fall's you and everyone who lives in this castle will stay cursed for the rest of eternity" and with that the enchantress disappeared.

Soon days turned into months and soon turned into years. Everyone in the castle soon started to lose hope of ever going back to normal again. The enchantress made it so everyone forgot about the castle and all who lived there including their loved ones.

For who could love a demon?


Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and got ready for the day. Once I finished I headed off to the kitchen for breakfast. Once I made it to the kitchen I was greeted by Mabel and Stan

" Hey dip dop are you off somewhere" Mabel said greeting me while also drinking her Mabel juice

" Actually yes, im off to Ford's bookstore to return a book I borrowed" I said holding the book in my hand while getting an apple.

" oh~ can I join you" Mabel said excited

" Sure" I said not really caring. " Lets go then. We'll be back later Stan" I said while looking at Stan.

" Okay kiddos just be careful, you don't know what these idiots will say today" Stan said the last part quietly but me and Mabel still heard.

" Okay" we both said and heading off. I finished my apple and me and mabel headed into town.

" Little town is a quite village" I started singing and I looked at mabel. She looked at me and smiled

" Everyday like the on before" She started singing and smiling at me

" Little town full of little people" I sang

" Waking up to say" we both sang and looked at the town clock as it striked 12

" Bonjour" soon everyone started saying it.

Me and Mabel started walking to Ford's bookstore. We started hearing people talk about how weird we both are.

Mabel isn't the typical girl like every other girl. She likes to be outside and work. She like's to go on adventures. While every other girl in town like to put on big pretty dresses and wear make-up.

While im not like every other guy in town. I like to read and go on adventure's in the forest with Mabel. I like to learn about new things. Unlike every other guy in this town, who prefers to work and look strong.

Me and Mabel made our way to the bookstore while so we kept hearing the people of the village talk about how we were the weird twins.

"It's no wonder that they both look so beautiful" a lady said
" Indeed but behind that beauty is a very odd person" a group of three obviously jealous girls said

We soon made it to the store and we both entered. We saw Ford cleaning off dusk from a desk.
" Hi Ford" me and Mabel said
" Why good morning kids, how is your morning"
" Pretty good I guess" Mabel said talking with Ford
" If you call being called weird good" I said while lookin through the books Ford had.
"The townsfolk are calling you two weird again" Ford said not so shocked
"Hey Ford do you have any new books" I said still looking at the only books he has in the store.
"Sorry kid not until next week, If you want you can take and old one again"
" hmm okay" I said taking a favorite of mine
"The demon book again" Ford said looking confused as to why I always take that one.
"It's my favorite, it's very interesting"
"But you read that like twenty times"
" still it's my favorite"
"Okay okay, I'll see you kids later"
"Bye uncle Ford" both me and Mabel said while walking out of the store.

As we left the store I started reading my book.
" Will you ever get bored of that book" Mabel said while looking at the page I was reading.
"No i don't think I can"
"Haven't you memorized that book yet"
"Kind if I still forget a few chapters of it"

Me and Mabel were walking around the town.

Gideons POV

I was looking through a telescope into the town of Gravity Fall. I finally found the person I was looking for.

"Oh can't you just imagine me and my dearest Dipper being together" I said putting my telescope down and lookin at the town from a far.
"Not really, I mean isn't Dipper considered weird in that town. After all he's technically an outcast. How can someone like him be with someone as amazing as you" My father said while standing next to me.

"You dont understand how he makes me feel. This feeling is more than what I felt for Mabel."
I said while getting heading into town with my horse. My father soon followed and we headed off to town.
Dipper pines you will be mine.

That's this chapter for this story.
Hope you enjoyed. See you next chapter.

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