New Library

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and looked around the room I have been staying at.

This place is so amazing. Why does nobody talk about this place. Or why its not on any maps?

As I looked around the room I spotted a note on one of the drawers. I got up and read it.

Dear Pinetree,

I know we aren't technically in good terms. At least I think so im so sure at the moment. Anyways I left you a few cloths in the drawer so Wolf or Blue don't have to keep sending you a new pair everyday.

From Bill

hmm. Well cool. Im glad I can somewhat choose my own clothing now.

I picked an outfit and got changed. I grabbed my bag I had brought with me when my inicial though was to save Ford. I left the room and made my way to Bill's. I wanted to make sure he got better or is at least actually sleeping anyways.

As I made my way inside his room I got a chair and placed it next to his bed. I took his towel he had on his head and changed it to a warmer one. I placed it back on his head and sat down on the chair. I pulled out one of my favorite books from my bag that I had brought with me and started reading.

Bill's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" Dream Demons are demons from the nightmare realm that invade mortal dreams and make them dream of one's fear in order to gain power" I heard a sweet, delicate voice say.

" Some create deals with mortals who are desperate for chance or a chance at something they cant reach" Continued the voice

" Most often they create a system where they get more from their side of the deal rather than the mortal" I got up and spoke

" So is that what us Dream Demons are known for in the mortal world" I said looking to left to seeing pinetree. I laughed a bit because of how stupid it sounded. But then again its not wrong.

" Oh your awake. Sorry if i woke you up with my reading i didn't know i was too loud" He said scratching the back of his neck and looking down. I saw a faint blush appear on his cheeks. Cute~ Ugh what am i saying shut up brain.

" Its alright i don't really care" I said shrugging

" Anyways what are you reading. It sounds boring" I said now sitting at the edge of my bed. I had bandages around my stomach and another around my right arm.

" Its a book about the different types of demons. Its not boring, i think its interesting. Better than rereading a book about learning how to read ciphers" He said smiling before looking away in the end

" But they are so many other types of books that you can read instead of wasting your time rereading those books" I said in a 'isn't it obvious' tone.

" Really like what exactly" He said confused but also interested.

" Hmm how about i surprise you" I said thinking of where im going to take him in the castle.

" I don't know" He said kind of scared

" Don't worry pinetree you will be fine" I said reassuring. Not like im going to kill you and send you to book heaven.

" Fine" He said in a tired tone

" GREAT, because i wouldn't have taken a no for an answer anyways" I said getting up. i snapped my fingers and i had a yellow t-shirt and black pants on. I grabbed pinetree by the hand and made my way to the library.

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