Plan to Save Dipper

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Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I made my way down stair for dinner. When I sat down it wasn't the usual food. It was some kind of meatsack food. I looked up to see another set of food on the table.

These idiots. What the hell are they planning now.

" WOLF, BLUE" I was piss. I got up an went into the kitchen. I slammed the door open and wolf got scared, Will was hiding behing her. Pacifica was on a table along with Mcgucket. Blue walked in and quickly got scared.

" What the hell are you guys thinking. Inviting the prisoner to eat dinner with me. ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY" I said angry. I could tell I was fully red because I saw my flames surrounding me

" Okay you know WHAT BILL. Yes im crazy. CRAZY ABOUT GETTING THIS CURSE LIFTED. Cant you see dipper could be the one that breaks this curse from us. In order for him to do that you need to be more nicer to him. If not how do you expect him to fall in love with a meanie like you" Blue said getting in my face to prove her crazy point.

" I don't know if you realized it yet BLUE but im pretty sure the kid HATES me. I don't think or believe he could ever 'fall in love' with me. Nice or not who would fall for a dream demon." I said crossing my arms and going back to my normal yellow

" Not with that attitude. C'mon can you at least try. Bring back that once hopefull bill back. Even if its just for the rest of our time here. Before this curse is fully permanent. We start simply. Dinner that's it. Maybe we could even do the next step. Please at least give it a try Bill. Bring us a little hope to go back to normal. Even if its an open lie just please do it" Blue said basically almost crying on the spot. I looked to see the others and they had their heads down or they were looking away almost crying like Blue.

" *sigh* FFFIIINNNEEE" I said giving up on arguing with her. Her eyes light up and so did everyone else. Blue grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to Dippers room. Everyone following behind.

Blues POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I dragged Bill to Dippers room. Once we made it me and everyone told him what to do.

" Okay so knock and ask" I said with a smile to encourage him

*KNOCK KNOCK* Oh my god Bill

" YOU WILL JOING ME FOR DINNER that's not a question" he said and turned around annoyed at us. I shook my head no at him and so did everyone else

" Love you need to ask nicely" Wolf said

" Yeah and knock nicely not like your going to break his door down" I said as it was pretty obvious

*knock knock*

" Coming" Dipper said through the other side

" Look he's still here" I said with a small smile and everyone nodded in agreement

" Yes?" Dipper said still with the door closed

" Will you join me for dinner" Bill said a bit quietly on the last part. He turned around with a small smile on his face looking at us with a 'was that good enough' face.

" IM TRAPPED AS YOUR PRISONER AND NOW YOU WANT TO HAVE DINNER WITH ME. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" We all heard dipper yell through the door in confusion and anger.

Uh oh. That's it we cant Bill anymore.

" FINE IF YOU DONT EAT WITH ME THEN YOU DONT EAT AT ALL" Bill said in anger. He got all red and turned to look at us

" SEE IDIOTS THIS WAS POINTLESS. HE'S NOT EATING" Bill yelled while walking away in anger.

I saw that coming. We all look at each other in disappointment of our happy plan. I looked down and left.

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