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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As i kept heading deeper into the forest i stumbled upon Ford's gadget on the floor broken to pieces. Uh no. I kept having a gut feeling that he wasn't ok. The horse started running off trial and after a few seconds the weather changed to winter? Its supposed to be spring/early summer. Strange. After a few more minutes of running we stumbled across a gate to a castle.

I didn't know there was a castle ion this forest.

The gate's opened and the horse lead my to the bottom of the stairs leading up to the castle doors. I got off the horse and made my way towards the door. I knocked and waited for someone to answer. The doors opened and i walked in i was about to say thank you but i didn't see anyone. The castle was dark and there were barely any lights.

" Great uncle Ford are you here" I walked a little more deeper into the castle.

" Another visiter?"

" Blue please be quite"

I heard two people talking and i looked around but i didn't see anyone

*cough Cough*

" Ford?!"

" Ford where are you" I started going deeper into the castle

" Dipper?" I heard Ford say just barely audible for me to hear

" Ford im coming hold on" I started to run up stairs and i found what looked like a dungeon i kept going up the stairs and i found Ford on the ground inside one of the cells.

" Oh my god Ford are you okay? Who did this to you" I said going down on one knee and looking at Ford to see if i could find any bruises.

" Dipper you need to leave before he gets you too"

" Who is he? And why are you here"

" Apperently its a crime to take a flower from here and if you do its a life sentence" He said rolling his eyes.

" But that doesn't matter right now what matters is that you get out of here before your stuck here too"

" What are you doing here" I heard a somewhat deep voice and it sent shivers down my spine. I turned around to where i heard the voice come from.

" Let my uncle go" I said trying to sound brave

" Your uncle is a theift"

" No hes not hes a kind man" After i finished my sentence i saw a black figure jump and land almost infront of me. It was too dark so i could see him.

" Step into the light" I said with a confused face. He did and i saw a pair of almost golden eyes glaring at me. He was taller than me and from what i could see he had marks on his arms. He growled at me and i stepped back.

" Let my uncle go"

" I already told you no"

I started thinking about what to do. About a million ideas raced throught my head and then i had an idea.

" What if we made a deal?" I said and with that i could tell he started getting interested in what i had to say.

" Go on" he said raisin gin eyebrow

" Let me take his place"

" Dipper don't" I felt Ford hold my arm to stop me from making this deal

" What do i give you in return. It cant be your freedom though" He said thinking about my deal.

" You give me five minutes to say my goodbyes" I know it was a bad end of a deal for me but it was the only thing i could thing of on the spot. Plus i would rather say goodbye than have ford leave and i cant say goodbye.

Dipper and the Dream DemonWhere stories live. Discover now