Kill The Demon

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Blues POV~~~~~~~~~

We were all sitting down and saying our good-bye's.

" Grenda, Candy, I wish the best of luck to you guys. Will will make sure you guys are clean and have your own special cabinet in this castle" Wolf said sweetly and hugging them. Will nodded 'yes'

" Thank you guys so much" They said

" Good luck to the two of you. Never forget your origins of being here and your senses of humanity" Candy said looking at me and Wolf. In our cases we aren't going to stay being half creatures. If the curse is lifted we go back to our normal human selves but if its not we are turned into the animal forever. Wolf will become a wolf and I will become a dragon. Will and Bill will stay demons in this castle. Candy, Grenda and Mc gucket will become their houseware objects.

" I wont. I will miss all of you guys" I said hugging Will and Wolf. Then I picked up everyone else carefully.

" Now what we wait for the rose petal to fall" I said once I finished.

" Well what else pretend that nothings going to happen and just go to sleep just to wake up and forget who we are" Wolf said sadly

" No that sounds worse" I said looking at the ground.

" How about a last feast before we leave" Will said excited

" Sure" I said happily.

" Sounds better than standing around and waiting" Candy said

" Will and I will get food ready" Wolf said smiling and they made their way to the kitchen.

After a little while of waiting they entered but before they said anything we heard a horse.

" Dipper! He came back" Candy said making her way to the window. Everyone made their way to see him but it wasn't.

" Its a mob. BLOCK THE DOORS" I said running to the door. I leaned against it and put as much of my weight on it. Everyone followed

" Move" I looked up and saw Wolf she brought the piano from the Ballroom. Everyone made way and we placed it upwards and against the door.

" Someone call Bill to help" I said and soon Will ran to where Bill could be.

After a few minutes the door was being forced open from the other side. We heard people yelling in anger. Then I got an idea.

" Guys I have an idea come on" I said. I told everyone and we soon left the door. Everyone hide where I told them to. Soon they busted inside and were confused to see an empty castle. Before they busted in I told Wolf to teleport the piano. She did.

Gideons POV~~~~~~~~~

We finally got in the castle and everything was quiet. Nothing was there. No one was here.

" Hey um Gideon don't you umm fear that this place could be uh haunted" My dad said scared and behind me

" Tch calm down old man this place isn't haunted" I said walking around. Everyone was quiet.

" Oh you must be the sweet tea cup that can talk. And you must be its grandma" I heard my dad say I turned around to scold him but before I could speak someone else did

" Grandma. Im not old enough to be a parent" The tea pot said confused

" She isn't my grandma shes my friend idiot. ATTACK" The tea cup said in anger. Soon others appeared

" Get out of our castle mortals" Said a female on top of the stairs. She looked angered.

Blues POV~~~~~~~~~~

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