Castle in the Forest?!?

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Mabel were walking around the middle of town talking and having fun. We kept hearing people talk about how weird we are but we didn't mind. After a while we both just got used to it.

" Hey dip dot im gonna go back to the house and make sure uncle Ford has everything he need's for his trip is ready for later." Mabel said giving me a small hug

" Okay mabes ill see you later" I waved goodbye as she left back to the mystery shack.

I walked around for a little while more before I heard the voice of someone I didn't want to hear.

" Why hello there beautiful" I turned around and saw Gideon with a bouquet of flowers.

" What do you want now Gideon" I said annoyed. I really don't want to talk to you right now or ever again.

"How is my favorite Pines" He said trying to please me. Over this act.

" Gideon please leave me and my family alone already" I said starting to walk back to the Mystery Shack.

" Oh c'mon Dipper" Gideon started to follow me. I soon made it to the shack.

"Alright just listen to me. Imagine being in front of a fireplace a few kids running around in the living room and you, me and some Champaign listening to some loving music." He kept looking at the sky and smiling about it.

" I think I would rather live with my sister than to ever marry you and I especially would rather die before I ever have kid with you too" I said more annoyed at him

" C'mon on Dipper" He grabbed my arm to stop me from walking away. I turned around to face him I was already annoyed and most likely going to be more annoyed.

" Dipper Mason Pines will you marry little ol' me" He said with pleading eyes and smilling at me.


" No"

" Why not im handsome I will be the best husband ever and im rich"

I kept walking while he ''explained'' and once he finished I made it to the door I opened it and said,

" Im sorry Gideon but I don't think I could ever marry a man like you so bye now" I said shutting the door infront of him. I kept holding the door to make sure he didn't try to pry it open. After a few minutes I checked through the window to make sure he wasn't there anymore.

" Hey dipping sauce what are you doing" I turned around to see mabel looking at me confused

" Gideon"

" Oh what did he want this time"

" He wanted me to marry him"

" Pff WHAT no way really" Mabel slowly started laughing

" Shut up" I started walking to the side door

" Can you believe it" I started singing to her and she started following me

" The wife of that idiot" I said grabbing some corn and throwing it on the ground near the goat that's always outside the mystery shack

" Madeam Gleeful his little wife UGh" I heared mabel start giggling of my singing

" I want something more than this little town" I started walking off into the forest and Mabel kept following me to listen to the rest of my singing.

" I want adventure in the great wide world somewhere"

" Where I can explore new things and discover new things about this crazy world~"

Dipper and the Dream DemonWhere stories live. Discover now