Dinner Fail

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Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Blue was finishing up what she was doing and landed in front of me and pacifica. I placed pacifica down so she could move around.

*Knock Knock* " Pacifica, blue are you two in here" Said a very quite voice coming from the door. The knob turned and the door was slightly opened. I saw a blue haired boy peeking in the room.

" Oh hello" He said as he entered the room

" You must be our guest, oh there you two are" He said first looking at me and then paying attention to the two girls behind me. He walked towards them and started speaking with a scared tone

" Are you two crazy giving him a room. My brother is going to kill you to and then you wont be able to go back to your hu-" He stopped himself from speaking anymore and cover his mouth. He still looked at the two a bit scraed of what might happen to the two of them.

" Okay calm down Will I will have a chat with him. I mean if anything im helping all of us out a bit. Don't you see dipper here can be a key to helping us break this stupid c-" Pacifica stopped talking but was still looking at Will. He looked at her confused before he realized what she meant.

" Umm I don't want to bother you guys but what are you all talking about" I said confused. I don't get what there trying to tell each other.

" Don't worry about it dipper? right" Blue said while questioning my name. I never gave her my name oops.

" Yeah"

" I came here to get the both of you. My brother wants to talk to you two. He said he had a feeling Blue was up to no good and he though Pacifica must be helping you somehow. And now im just impress with his feeling about the both of you" Will said giving them a scared look.

" Uh oh" Pacifica said

" IT WAS PACIFICAS IDEA NOT MINE" Blue said while running out of the room

" SHE STILL HELPED" Pacifica yelled while motioning Will to pick her up so she could move faster

" Well ill see you later Dipper I need to go argue with someone about how im right" Pacifica said giving me a sorry look

" Bye dipper it was nice meeting you" Will waved goodbye with his free and walked out holding Pacifica.

" bye" I said waving and closing the door behind him.

*sigh* I slid down the door and sat down on the floor.

Why are they here? What were they talking about that seemed so private? Can I get out of here? I hope Great Uncle Ford is okay. I hope Mabel and Stan are okay.

I looked around the room a bit more and I saw two drawers. I wonder if..

I walked up to the biggest one on the corner of the room and opened a drawer. I saw different colored pieces of cloth and I had an idea. I looked around the room and I saw a window next to the bed. I walked up to it and opened it. I looked down to see how far it was. It was pretty far down.

What if I used the cloth to get down?

I grabbed all the cloth in that drawer and started tying it together to make a rope. Once I finished I tied one end of it to the bed and through the rest of it down the window. I looked to see if I would make it but I still needed a lot more cloth.

*Knock Knock* " Hello there dear, May we come in?" Said a voice from behind the door. I got scared and grabbed all the cloth I threw out and put it back in as quickly as I could.

" Just a second" I said once I got the last bit of cloth out. I hid most of it under the bed and then I heard the door open. I stood in front of it to cover it the best I could.

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