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Fords POV~~~~~ before Dipper saw whats going on in the mirror~

Gideon came to me a day ago asking me to lead him to where i believed the castle was. Or were i came running back. When i did i forgot where it was. He got angry with me. Asked me to give him my blessing to marry Dipper. I denied and he knocked me out.

Mabel found me and took me to the shack. She made sure i got better. The same night i went into town. Gideon acted like he was amazed to see me. His father played along. He was there when Gideon knocked me out. I tried telling the town that Gideon was manipulating them but they didn't listen and soon Gideon told me that if i just give my blessing for him to marry Dipper then he would convince the town that im not crazy.

I denied once more and he argued with me.


" Ladies and gentlemen there is NO such thing as this beast or demon Stanford is talking about. Its simple him having paranoia. For our safety we should send him to a mental hospital. SO we don't have our children fear or get his disease" He said telling the townsfolk.

" WHAT. Gideon im not crazy" I said in anger

" If there really is a demon or whatever then where's your proof of its existence. Or what about the proof that i was the one who knocked you out and left you in the wood. Huh" He said with a grin. I thought about it

" MABEL. She found me in the woods knocked out cold. She was the one who took me back to the mystery shack" I said looking at mabel. She looked uneased though

" Oh dear mabel. You mean the girl the town calls weird no offense" He said looking at her sweetly. She looked back annoyed.

" Wouldn't she do anything for her great uncle. You need proof by someone who isn't family. If anything you could be making a big lie and including your family in this lie" He said. He looked at the townsfolk who thought about what he said. They all agreed with him.
" Dont worry Ford i will make sure you are treated very well in your stay" He said looking at the carriage. I looked in shocked

Oh no

~~back to the present~~

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~

He ran out the castle. I walked out of the room. I heared everyone yelling at pinetree to wait or come back. Soon they saw me and attacked me with questions

" What happened"

" yeah why is he leaving"

" Dear what happened"

" Cipher explain"

" Bill?"

" I let him go" I said quietly and looking at the ground

" YOU DID WHAT" I looked up to see a mad Blue.

" I had to. He needed to save his family. I love him but I need to let him go" I said giving Blue a glare

" Then why haven't we changed back yet" Grenda said confused

" Because Dear, Dipper hasn't said he loves him" Wolf said looking at grenda sadly

" Im sorry guys. I sorry I let your only chance at changing back go. I think its best for all of you to spend your last moments together" I said walking away.

" What about you Bill" Will said confused

" I don't want to ruin your last moments together. Not anymore" I said. I made my way to the top of the castle. Once I made it to some stairs I started running. I looked out one of the windows and I could still see pinetree leaving.

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