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I backed away from her, and going towards my door

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I backed away from her, and going towards my door. Xavier was the only one I knew that could save me right now. I was so scared, tears were falling like waterfalls in my eyes. And I couldn't even get a word out. "now you'll have a reason to call Anthony"

"I'm sorry" I pleaded.

"Sorry for what? Disrespecting me in my house? You are grown. You're writing about a boy but you are not even done with university! Do you want to come back pregnant?" She started shouting. I think they forget too much that I'm 21.

She stood up, and I just ran out of my room, she whipped the belt on me when I was running in my back. I felt the pain, I tripped and fell outside the front door. The dogs kept barking.

She beat me up senseless as I cried covering myself up. I just hoped I didn't have bad bruises on me. I screamed in pain. She wasn't hitting me in much force but it was painful.

I was crying begging her to stop. I doubt she even cared. Xavier pushed my mom so hard, she fell on the porch dropping the belt. The dogs tried going at him but he took the belt and started beating them up with it and they ran. He looked like he was ready to strangle my mom. I was still in pain on the porch. "What's going on here!?" My aunt finally came to see.

Xavier took out his gun and he was about to shoot my mother. My aunt screamed and ran inside the house. "Xavier no!" I jumped up.

My mom looked so scared. She was crying and she even peed on herself. I gained the courage to get up, and I stood in front of Xavier and his gun. He was very angry, and it scared me a bit.

His gun was now aimed to my chest because I was in front of him and my mother. He glared at me. "no. Don't do this, please. She's still my mother no matter what happens. Please." And Anthony would go crazy.

I got closer and hugged him, he calmed down a bit. Once I broke off the hug, he placed his gun back in the back of his jean. I winced because my body was painful

"you're in pain." He said. I nodded crying. I really don't understand why she hates me so much. He picked me up bridal style and went out the gate and to his car. I was surprised by his strength.

I helped him by opening the door of the car and he placed me in it. Then he closed the door. Once he went to his side, he sped off down the road to a nearby hospital.

After I got examined. I had bruises but not serious ones luckily. I got painkillers and ointment. As always they suggested I press charges. When we left I could see some nurses thought Xavier did that to me. He could see it too.

I held Xavier's hand tightly to let him know he shouldn't pay any attention to them. We went outside. He opened the door for me and he drove off to the hotel he was staying in. The rooms were fully booked so I had to share a room with Xavier. "let me call JR, maybe he has some more meds. I didn't bring any."

MY MONSTER || Dave East & Amber RileyWhere stories live. Discover now