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I angrily punched the steering wheel. I calmed down when i noticed I was scaring her more. "I was drunk that day, what happened was a mistake baby. When I heard about aunt Fifi I just lost it because I couldn't lose her. I know my excuse doesn't make it better. Just give me another chance."

"drunk enough to give her $3000? And call her after that? Wow. And you're still lying about it!" She scoffed.

"Zalia, you have to understand-"

She cut me off. "I understand that you're a liar and a cheater plus what ever we had is over. Please just take me home."


"now please." She looked towards the window. I could see she was crying. I sighed because there was nothing I could really say to her. I will talk to her tomorrow when she's not overreacting. Maybe right now she's still upset about the fight I had with Ant. I drove her home, and Scrappy was still following us.

When I parked outside, I could see that they were still outside waiting for her. I got out and rushed to open her door. She looked at me, I could see this was hurting her just like it was hurting me. I sighed and gave her a hug. That made her cry more. "I'm not giving up on you. I will always love you."

"bye Killa" She broke the hug and walked inside the yard, and ran to hug her brothers. I could see they wanted to kill me but I don't care because they would never do that. They need me more than I need them.

I can find another gang to do heists. They will suffer a lot if they leave the gang. I drove off and I was very angry I lost the one thing that was making my life great!


I helped them by giving them some ice. For their injuries. "see how fucking disrespectful he is!? What the fuck did you see in him?! "

I sighed. "I am going to bed"

"I hope you told him you're not getting back with him because you'll make me go insane if you're back with him. You'd be ruining your life!" He said.

"I know. I told him we're over. And there's nothing he could do to get us back together again. I am really done with him" I told them.

" is he the one auntie and mom were talking about?" Mir asked. I didn't know whether to lie or not because if I don't it will only create more drama. And honestly I am tired of the drama.

"Yeah" I said. He could see I was drained so he swallowed his anger and he nodded and I walked to my room.

I laid on my bed, that's when the memories created started kicking in. I just laid in my bed with tears falling out. What made me not forgive him is the fact that he lied about it! He doesn't even respect me enough to tell me the truth.

If he was so drunk why would send money to her? Then call her? He is a liar and he doesn't even deserve my forgiveness. I slept with a broken heart knowing that I still love him but as time goes by. I know I will get over him.


It was Sunday and I still had nothing to do for the entire day. To take my mind off Xavier I studied but it was useless because I couldn't even understand what I was studying he was occupying my mind a lot.

My phone rang and I sighed, I picked it up knowing it was Cardo that was calling me.

"Cardo "

"you're busy today?" He asked

"no. Bored in fact." I said.

"come to the apartment. Hang out with me and my son." He said.

"where's the baby mama?" I asked.

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