❝ Red ; to wolf ❞

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These words are for thee,
written in ink of agony beyond repair.
Stitched heart are the canvass of this poetry.
As my tears are flowed out of despair.

Probably this would be the last,
cause I'll stop now the chase.
Popping the bubble of illusion leave me aghast.
Drying the tears on my face.

I know I shouldn't be like this,
for there's no such thing like "us"
but can you blame me for all of these?
Colliding feelings lead me to crash.

Such love causes my downfall,
but any part of regrets were none.
It just scrapped my knees so I had to crawl.
So, it was worth it- I had a lot of fun.

Once again I have to feigned everything.
Pretends to be happy when I'm not.
Conceal my feelings so you won't see a thing-
even if it hurts, even if you I really sought.

Thou- felicitous in her embrace,
so I must do the same thing with him.
Even if it's in thy world I find solace.
You gave me shelter of broken dreams

I love you even if you held sweetest tongue,
yet have the sharpest teeth.
The beat of thy heart I always sung.
Burying my affection in the surface beneath.

Ropes and Chains Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon