A normal day in our lifes

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Renjun POV:

Haechan and I were standing at the door while the royal family ate and waited until we could clean the table. The queen seemed to have a good mood. She was smiling the whole time.

Not like Prince Jeno. He is just looking angry like always. I noticed how the other servants were talking about him again. Handsom but cold-hearted. As always. But in reality, he isn't really like that. If they would just know him like i do, they would know that he isn't so cold as he always seems.

Through the years I got to know him....the real him and not just the cold prince.

At first as a friend and then as a lover. I still can't believe that we are really together. I mean he is a prince and I'm just a servant with no importance. How crazy is this? Nobody would believe me if I said that we are together. They would think that I'm lying.

I can still remember the moment when he went on his knees with a rose in his hand at one of our secret meetings and confessed to me. He said that he loves me. Me... Huang Renjun... a servant...

I still can't believe it even if we have been together for a few years now. As he confessed to me, my first thought was that he is kidding me or that he has lost a bet against Jaemin again, but he told the truth. I felt like I was the luckiest person on earth. My longtime crush prince Jeno returned my feelings for him.

Since that day we have been inseparable. We saw each other every day and appreciated every moment that we had together. I'm still always excited about our meetings. But we have to be more careful not to get caught. Since Jeno gets older and nearer to becoming a king he has been watched more than before.

I can't really imagine what will happen if someone caught us. It's also helpful that we have Jaemin and Haechan on our side who always try their best to hide our secret.

As I mentioned Haechan, he has been staring at me for a while now and I wonder what his problem could be.

"What's your problem now?" I asked him a little bit annoyed.

"You were daydreaming about Jeno, right? You were smiling the whole time while staring at him. You could just go to him and kiss him if you want to make it more obvious. I still don't know how you two were not caught yet." he said while smirking. I was about to say something to defend myself as the queen interrupted me.

"Renjun, my dear. We are finished now. You can clean the tables now." I glared at Haechan one last time before I went to the tables.

"I can clean this table. You can clean the one over there" he pointed at Jeno's table and winked at me. He did that on purpose....

I tried to act professionally while I cleaned the table. As I was about to collect the dishes I suddenly felt a hand on my thighs. I looked perplexed at Jeno. He couldn't... or would he..? Here....? in front of everyone?

I looked around, but nobody seemed to look at us so I leaned forward to him trying not to attract any attention.

"Baby, leave it for tonight or do you want to do it right here... in front of everyone?" I asked him innocently while whispering in his ear. I noticed how he froze and he quickly took his hand away. Well... two people can play this game.

I cleaned the rest of the dishes from the table while smirked and winked at him before I went to the kitchen. The last thing I noticed was how he yelled at another servant to do her work properly. Probably to hid his embarrassment from earlier.

Oh, Jeno,.....you are just acting as the cold prince but I know how you really are....

Authors note
So that's how Norens relationship is. Are you excited to know what will happen at night?

To be continued.....

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