Day Seven: Five Senses

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Well guys this is the final day of GrayLu Week and I hope you've enjoyed the week and once this is over I'm going to get back to work on Icing A Broken Heart so look forward to that. In the meantime enjoy this.

Lucy was looking for jobs to do so she could pay her rent. She soon spotted one that sounded good. It paid 100,000 Jewels so she would have more than enough to pay her rent with some left over so she could buy some books. Gray decided to tag along with Lucy since the others were out on seperate jobs and he didn't want to deal with Juvia.

"Thanks for letting me tag along, Lucy." The two started to walk to the train station.

"You're welcome, Gray." Lucy smiles at Gray as they reach the train station. They get on a train and it starts departing.

"I'm glad Flame brain isn't here right now."

"Yeah he'd be very motion sick right now." Lucy giggled at the thought of that, she brought her novel so she could write more in it though it was kind of difficult with the train moving. Gray tried to get a peek at what she was writing but she hid it. Soon the train made to the town they were supposed to be at. Gray and Lucy walk to the entrance of a cave, she takes a deep breath and walks in with him beside her. However on the inside it was pitch black, they couldn't see anything, feel anything, hear anything or touch anything heck they couldn't even taste anything. (Yes I did just put that last part in. I know you readers are probably thinking why put taste there if they're in a cave? Well I'm just going with the prompt.) Gray put his hand on the wall of the cave and couldn't feel the wall whatsoever.

"What the? What's with this cave?" Lucy got kind of afraid as she walked through the cave with Gray. They walked through taking small steps at a time. She had no idea what was going on even though she was the one who chose the job in the first place, she tried to focus her eyes so she could see but she couldn't. Gray took his hand off of the cave wall and walked slowly, holding Lucy's hand and pulling her with him, even though she couldn't feel Gray's hand she knew she was being pulled by someone, she had a feeling it was Gray. They had no choice but to walk forward. However as they walked their senses suddenly got amped up. They both had enhanced sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.

"This cave is crazy."

"Yeah it is." Lucy saw a strange light in the distance.

"Hey.. Gray.. Look at that." Gray had also saw the light and they ran to the light. Once they got out of the cave they saw the man that sent in the job.

"Well done you two. You have succesfully gone through the Cave of the Five Senses. Not many normal people have and the people who did got lost and ended the way they came in."

"So are we the first ones to come through the other side?" The man nods at them.

"Yes you are."

"What was the point of going through there?"

"The point is to teach you not to rely on your senses all the time. And you have done that quite well." They both looked at the man and he paid them the 100,00 Jewels.

"Thank you sir."

"You're welcome. But don't forget the journey from the cave."

"Trust us sir we won't."

Well that's it for GrayLu Week. I hope you guys enjoyed it. And I will see you *points to reader* for Icing A Broken Heart! Bye bye! *waves goodbye*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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