Chapter 21

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After paintball we went out to eat with the boys that we played with and there really funny and nice. 

Jacob says  " Caitlyn okay, so if you had to date one of us who would it be? "

We where playing a game of if you had. Basicly they give me something and i had to choose witch one. 

I say " Calum."

Jacob says  " Why? "

I say " Because i met you all today. At least i know Calum. You guys are kinda strangers to me. "

They nod and our food comes. I ordered grilled chicken with tomatoe and basil on it and then some mac & cheese. One of my favorite meals, other than tacos's. I start to eat and so does everyone else. 

Calum says  " Well we must be going, i have to get her back early so she can get a good nights sleep for the next day. Bye guys. "

I say " Bye guys, it was nice meeting you. "

They all wave and me and Calum leave. I climb into his car and we start driving home. 

I say " Your friends are.. um nothing like my boys back home. Its nice going out and meeting new people. Thank you, i had a great time today. "

He says " No problem, im glad i could spend a day with you before you leave. I think today we got close. I mean we were never really close and i think we are now. "

I say " Yeah, but just because we were not close, that dont mean i didnt love you. "

He says " Yeah, i know. You love all of us. Were like a big family. Things are really going to change when you leave. You know that? "

I say " I have a feeling we will see each other again. "

He says " I know we will. Just because your leave dont mean we wont make time to see each other. Were famous and im sure we can skype every night. All of us and all that stuff. "

I say " That makes me happy that you really think that. I know once you guys start the tour you will forget about me. You meet thousands of girls a day and me, i ll just end up being one of thoose girls. There is no way you will always remember me. "

He says " We will remember you because we have something to remember. We will remember that sweet inocent looking irl thats really a pain in the butt when she needs to be. The girl who didnt leave us because we became popular. The girl we love. The one we will never ever forget. "

I say " Cal, thats so sweet. I love you. "

He says " I love you to. "

The rest of the ride home was silent but comfortable. Im truley going to miss these boys and the more i think about it the more it makes me wanna cry. Im not going to last long in Frace, and i know that for a fact.  There is no way it would happen i mean im not even that good at french. i took one class of it and i failed it. Its going to be a big change and its going to take a really long time to forget about the boys and my life here in California. 

Calum says " What are you thinking about? "

I say " Nothing just what life will be like once im gone. "

He says " You will be fine. Okay? Just dont think about it. We will all be fine and everything will be okay because we will see you every chance we get and you and Ashton can get married and then you can live with us forever. "

I say " What if Ashton isnt ready though. Im just gonna let him do it. Wait on him i dont want to rush him into something that big. His life is different than mine and things will be hard for him if we ever do get married because of the fans and stuff. " 

He looks at me and smiles.

He says  " The fans love you. If not they need to get used to you. Your not gonna go anywhere just because of this little thing. "

I say " Thanks Calum, im glad you guys like me. If none of this would have happened i dont know how things would be. I would be home with mom. Niall and the band would keep getting bigger and bigger. I would just be the lonley girl that sat at home. I dont know. "

He says " If you and AShton didnt hit it off, he wouldnt be where he is now. He way get many girl screaming his name at night but your just different from all them. Ashton see's somthing in you that we dont see. He loves you more than anytthing. I honest to god have never seen Ashton this happy. You the center of his hole world, with out you he's not going to make it for a couple of months. Not until he forgets about you or gets over you. Your just special and you have him wrapped around your finger and you dont even see it. "

I say " I just wish you guys will be there when i leave. Im gonna be alone.  My mom and the boys wont be there either. "

He says " No worries we will see you asap. "

I say " Im glad your staying all happy about it. I dont want you to be sad and stuff. "

He says " Im glad your taking it well to. I dont want to see a sad and depressed Caitlyn running around the house. Its kinda unatractive. Like that time you woke up with whip cream in your hair. "

I say " Yeah and i wonder how that got there. "

He says " Hey dont look at me, look at your boyfriend. "

I smile and we pull into our drive way.

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