Chapter 28

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I say " Ashton go away! Dont put yourself in this to. "

He looks at Ryan and tosses him a bag. Ryan takes off running. I slowly look down, seeing the small cars go by and people walk not knowing im up here. 

Ashton says "Caitlyn get down. "

I say " Ash- Ash- help me. "

My whole body shakes and my hands start getting sweaty. I feel hands wrap around my waist and lift me up. I push my leg off the middle bar and land in someones arms. I look and see Ashton. I cuddle up to him and hold him tight. He sways up back and forth. 

He says " Shh your okay. Your here with me. Everythings okay. "

I slide out of his hands and land on my feet. I instantly hug him more. Tears still stream down my face.

I say " Im scared Ashton. "

He says " He's gone. Im here. I promise everything will be okay. "

I say " He's gonna come back. He;s gonna do something. "

He says " No he's not. I promise. Lets go home. Come on.  The boys are worried to death about you. "

I slowy nod. He starts walking pulling me along with him. After a while of walking, he pushes me in a car. I sit down and hes gone. Going to the other side. He climbs in and the car starts moving. I hug my knees and stare at Ashton.

He says " What happened? "

I say " Nothing bad that i know of. I woke up in  a room. It was just one day.  I mean i wasnt gone that long. "

He says " Caitlyn, you were gone for a while. Your party is in the morning. "

I say " What? "

 He says " You must have blacked out. "

I say " Yeah, can we change the subject. Lets not talk about this. How do i look? "

He says " Do you want the boyfriend girlfriend thing or the truth? "

I say " The truth."

He says " You look like shit babe. You need to be cleaned up. Your cheek is purple, you have make-up everywhere, and your clothes are to big and nothing you would wear."

I say "Ouch."

He says " If it helps, i still love you and think your beautiful."

I say " yeah, that kinda helped. I love you to."

He says " Your family is worried about you. "

I say " Yeah. I bet my mom sat home crying her eyes out. "

He says " And you need to talk to Zayn. He thinks its his fault. "

I say " Its not his fault. "

He says " Well maybe if you talk to him, you can talk him into believeing us. "

 I say " Yeah, ill talk to him. Im gonna be distnat though.Not just from him. Im going straight to my room. "

He says " Why? "

I  say " So i dont cry. i know ill do it anyways but if i go in my room it wont be as bad. "

He says " Yeah i understand. They will understand to. Ill explain for you if thats okay. "

I say " Yeah. Its fine. "

He says " You dont have to explain. I will the best i can or you dont have to say anything at all. Just say you dont wanna talk about it. "

I say " Ill do what i have to do. I may be comfortable, i may not be. "

We pull into the drive way and i get out. I look at the house infront of me. I keep walking. I open the front door and walk inside. I ignore all the boys and go straight to our room. I lock the door behind me. I go to my closet and pull out some sweatpants, a shirt, and one of Ashtons hoodies out. I change and toss the old clothes on the bed. I go into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and stare. Tears start going to the edge of my eyes. I pull out a make up wipe and start wiping away the make up. My cheek is freezing and hurting. I walk into the room and sit down, pulling my laptop in my lap. I turn it on and turn keek on.I start my keek. 

I say " Hey guys. It been a while. Im sorry. crap  happened. Some stuff. i dont wanna talk about it. I just wanted yall to know that im okay, nothing broken, and things are great. I don know what happened while i was gone. Anyone has some questions. "

I click on a random one and smile.

" What happened to your cheek. "

I look down and sigh. 

I say " I was slapped, i think. Not to sure. "

A tear falls down my cheek. I look up and smile.

I say " I love you guys. All of you. Ill tell you guys the story one day. Just not today. Im emotionally unstable. "

I hear a knock at the door. 

" Caitlyn can we talk?" 

I say " I gotta go guys, Lukes at the door. I love you."

People wave and i end it. I get up, setting my laptop to the side. I walk up to the door and stare at the handle. I set my hand on it and sigh. I unlock it and open it up hiding my bruised cheekwith my hair. I look up and meet his eyes.  I welcome him in and shut the door behind me. I lock it and turn around to look at him. He sits on the bed and i sit next to him. I lean my head on his hsoulder and he put his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. 

I say " Im never gonna be the same. Luke, i was gonna jump off a building at gun point. "

He says " But you didnt. Because you know you have people that love you and care about you. You have a reason to live. "

Falling slowly then all at once ( 5SOS & Ashton Irwin )Where stories live. Discover now