Week 2-New Kid.....Zero?

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I got used to the fact that it probably won't get better when he showed up.

I live in a small town so it's odd to have new kids but sure enough he was a new kid. When you don't have any friends you tend to do a lot of observing.

The quiet one. Like what I used to be.


After the dream I was a little freaked out. I ran down stairs to find my mom gone and a note on the fridge.

Had to leave early. Sorry. See you after school- Love, Mom.

Awesome. I got a bowl of captain crunch and sat on the back porch. We have a screaned-in back porch so the bugs didnt bother me in the sticky summer rain. I looked out at our huge willow tree and thought I saw something.

There. In the shadows of the fence. A figure.

I called out and it moved. I put down my now finished bowl on the little table and slowly walked to the door. I opened it and steped out into the sticky air. I bravely ventured into our huge backyard and never took my eyes off the spot I saw the person. It never moved but once I got there, there was nothing.

I walked back to the house puzzled. What, was I going crazy now? I shook my head and grabbed my bowl before giving my backyard one more final sweep of my eyes. Nothing. I shrugged and walked inside.

Once I was ready for school, I made sure to lock up the house before I left.


I had just entered the parking lot when I saw him. I stopped in my tracks. A new guy. He ws tall and lanky with unnaturally black hair and bright blue eyes. He was staring at me. No one ever stares at me. I looked down and just kept walking until I made it to the door. I looked up and almost ran into him. The new guy. He smiled at me with bright teeth.

"Excuse me," I said quietly. He looked disapointed but nodded and moved out of the way. I hurried to my locker. It was weird but it felt like i was being pulled towards him. Like gravity. I shook my head at myself again, that was ridiculus. I grabbed my book and got to class.

Immediately I made my way to the back corner of the classroom. I put my earbuds in and watched the clock, waiting for class to begin. Right before the bell rang New Kid walked in. So now he's stalking me? Just what I need. Test coming up, creepy shadows in my backyard, and stalker boys. Dad would have had a cow.

Mr. Wren, my history teacher, claps his hands loudly and stands up from his chair. He gets right down to business and introduces the new kid. I wasn't really paying attention but once he says the name I jump out of my sit.

Zero Blake. I couldn't beileve it. Not only was my dogs name Zero but my last name was Blake. Violet Blake. Mr. Wren told me to take my seat and told Zero to sit by me. USually I have and empty ring of desks around me but not anymore. As soon as he sat down I felt the gravity again. The pull. He turned to me and smiled that bright smile. "Violet right," he said. He didn't really say it as a question but I nodded anyways.

If he was going to want to talk, this was going to be a long day.

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