Done Counting-Bad Decisions

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This world is not a fairytale.

There is no prince charming.

There is no happily ever after.

I didn't want to be here.

Didn't want to be me.

Violet Blake.


After what felt like an eternity trapped in nightmares I was free. I woke to darkness. I panicked. I started banding on the satin walls.

Satin? That's wierd.

I broke through the satin and found smooth wood. I broke through that too.

I was staring up at a night sky. The smeel of dirt and heavy make up instantly flew to my nose.

Then I remembered. The memory of what happened fell on me like a building. I should be dead. Why am I not dead?

Nothing made sense. I slowly stood up and fell right down to my knees. Not only were my legs wobbly, but a sharp pain hit my stomache like a knife. I cried out in pain and felt my mouth move. Blood started to trickle down my chin.

Blood? Why was there blood? I rose my hand up and wiped the blood off my face and brought it back to also see make up. Well that would explain the smell. But why was I wearing it? I never wear make up.

I brushed it away telling myself I must've bit my lip. I started to take in my surroundings and me. I was wearing a black dress that my mother never would have been able to afford. I was standing in a casket, in a dug up grave.

I instantly wanted out. I wanted to go home and hug my mom and lay in my warm bed listening to my music. Reading all of my books.

I made a little hole where I could place my foot to boost myself up. I heaved up and over no problem. I stayed there for a while just lying there. Until I looked up....

I was lying on my dad's grave.

I jumped on my feet and started murmuring apologies and didn't see where I was going. I tripped and fell over another gravestone. It broke and the granite went into my hands slicing them all up to shreds. I started to cry and didn't stop until I realized how much of an idiot I must look. I looked at my hands to see how bad they really were and found them perfectly fine.

But that's wrong.

I just saw the blood.

Confused I started to wipe my tears with the back of my hand. Was I crying blood? I wiped the watered down tears on my dress and started to get up. When I saw him.

Red glowing eyes. I freaked and started running. I didn't stop running until I got home. I froze at the door. As soon as I opened the door the stench hit my nose. Liqour, cigarettes, and puke. I gaged and started to slowly make my way upstairs.

I could hear a pounding in my ears. It wasn't my heartbeat because every step I took upstairs it increased in voume. I hesitantly placed a hand on my door. I pushed it open a crack and my perfume came out with a gust of wind. I opened the door wide and found my room a mess.

All of my posters were ripped off of the walls and everything else was in a pile on my bed. My blankets a heap on the floor. The sharp pain hit my stomache again and I fell onto my blankets. I hit something hard and lifted the blankets. My mom lyed there passed out with a bottle of beer in her hand.

The pounding got extremely loud. I couldn't take it anymore. My stomache boiled and I cried out in pain. I could smell blood and felt my jaw move. I could see my mom's bare throat and couldn't hold it in much longer.

I leaned over and bit her throat. Blood rushed into my mouth and down my throat. I felt myself gaining strength as I drank. My mom started to struggle and I held her down. I was so thirsty. I couldn't stop. The pounding got softer until it finally gave out and I stopped. I leaned back and saw myself in my cracked mirror. Glowing red eyes. over my mom's dead body.

 Before I could see anymore I wrapped her up in the blanket and carried her to her room. I tucked her in and said good night.

Once I made it back to my room I threw my mirror off the wall and started to pack a bag. I grabbed random stuff as red tears blurred my vision. I just hoped I grabbed some clothes and good cd's.

But I knew I had to leave.

I had to leave before I hurt some one else.

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