Week 4- Dark Allys, Bright Eyes

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I once told Zero I hated this world. That I wished I could have dove into my fairytales and everything would be different.

This world is NOT a fairytale.

It is NOT what I wanted.

I hate this world.


I snuck out around 11:30. My mom was fast asleep downstairs after her long day at work. When she got home we got in a fight. It was bad. She smelled of cigarettes and alchohol so I just told her to get some sleep.

I wasn't even planning on going to the ally. Now I wanted to.

I climbed out my window  and ran. Past the cemetary. Past my dad.

I kept running until I got to Crate's ally. Where I saw him... and the girl...

No. I couldn't think about that. He said he'd explain. It wasn't what it looked like.

I entered the ally and was again enveloped in darkness. No street lamps. The coffee shop was closed. No safety. No people.

I called for Zero but didn't hear him. Didn't see him coming.

"You came. I didn't think you would," he whispered in my ear. His hot breath moved my hair and tickled my ear. I shivered. "Are you cold?" he asked. I nodded stiffly. I could feel him behind me. His hand gripping my arm tightly so I wouldn't run. That was going to leave a hand print.

 "You know I can fix that. You could be like me. We could rule the Render. The unknown. What do you say?" he whispered. He turned me around to look him in the eyes. His bright blue eyes now glowing red. I quickly looked down at the ground. I wanted to think of something else. I didn't want to remember.

I needed new chucks. They were starting to turn yellow from the dirt. I almost laughed at the thought. A week ago I saw this guy rip someone's throat out and I'm thinking about shoes. Typical girl issues.

"Look at me," Zero commanded gruffly. He brought his hand up to my chin making me look him in the eyes. His fingers left cold bruises in there tracks. How could sombodys breath be so warm yet their fingers so cold? I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move out of his grasp. Pictures from that night just kept playing in my head like a movie. I'm going to die. I kept thinking. That one sentence surprisingly didn't scare me. That's when I realized....

I have nothing, no one to live for.

"You could do it. Just let go. Leave your drunk mother. Your clueless teachers." He knew me too well. Maybe its better when you have no friends.

But I don't want to end like this.

I looked him right in the eye and brought my knee up and hit him in the groin. His eyes turned from confused to pure agony in seconds. I ran to the end of the ally and tried screaming for help. I knew he wouldn't let me run this time. The houses near by might be able to hear my weak screams.

But no lights turned on. No one came.

A strong arm pulled me back into the ally and I panicked. He through me on the ground and stood over me. I gasped as pain shot up my back. I tried getting back up but Zero just pushed me back down. I was trapped. He pinned my arms down and got in my face. His eyes no pitch black. I felt as if I was looking into a dark tunnel.

"I was going to give you a choice Vi. But now you have no choice. You don't understand. This is bigger than just us. You are valuble. And I have you." He leaned down over my neck and bit down hard. The fire shot from my back up to my neck. I screamed in pain. It hurt so bad. He leaned back as dark spots began to cloud my vision. "You'll need to feed or you'll go crazy and kill everyone," he said.

"Please," I begged. It hurt so bad. The darknees almost competely covered my vision now. I started to cough up blood. Hot liquid poured down my neck and now my chin. I saw Zero's bright blue eyes before the darkness took me.

"We'll see each other again soon."

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