Week 4- Darker Turns

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I should have left. Should have convinced my mom that we had to move. If I did we would survived. I would have saved us. Save me. 

Why didn't I!? 


I went to school like normal. I tried to just forget everything. But the pictures just refused to leave my mind. Those glowing red eyes turning black. The girl falling into a heap on the ground. Her throat ripped out. Him with the blood on his face.  

The fact that he let me go terrifies me the most. Why? Why would he let ne go? 

For a week Zero didn't show at school. He never missed school before. But that one day he came. I tried to ignore him. I did. He came up to ne at lunch. 

"Look. I understand why you don't want to talk to me but at least let me try to explain," he whispered in my ear. I was scared stiff. The eyes kept popping into my head. This red.... I just nodded my head. He slipped something into my hand told me bot to open it until after school.  

For the rest of the day I was really jumpy. Every time someone said "red," or "note," I jumped out of my skin. I didn't see Zero at all. I was beginning to think I imagined everything. Maybe I'm just going crazy. Maybe I made up Zero Blake to cope with everything. A loud noise rang through the school. I jumped out of my seat and screamed. Everyone turned and looked at me. I looked at th clock and realized it was just the bell. Wow. I needed to calm down. 

I gathered my books and bolted out if the classroom. I shoved my books into my bag and slammed my locker. I ran all the way home and kept looking behind me expecting to see Zero with blood all over his face. Everyone seemed to have red or black eyes. I didn't stop running until I got to my room. I slammed my door and flopped on the ground. Sure enough there was my picture box. I pulled it out and dumped the contents all over the floor. I searched frantically through the shiny pictures. There he is. He isn't fake. I held a picture of my and Zefo. It was when we went to a zoo. We were being dorks. Zero was giving me a piggyback ride and it looked like we were running from the lions.  

He was real. 

I'm not crazy. 

Just then something poked into my thigh. I gasped and dropped the picture. I struggles to get wageber pokes me out of my pocket. Once I pulled it out the red eyes came back. It was the note he gave me. I unfolded It carefully.

Meet me in the ally at midnight.         -Zero

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