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❧Jenna's Pov❧

Since Tyler had taken the keys, I had to call a taxi

When it got outside I hopped in

"Where to Miss? "

"Uh Mrs." I say out of habit, "and to Harp(oon) Hospital please. "

The man nodded and drove there. I kept checking my phone for any messages or calls from Tyler. There were none.

I hope he hasn't done anything drastic because he usually answers when he visits Josh.

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♱Tyler's Pov♱

I was outside pacing the pavement. Thinking to myself.

How the hell could they let something like that happen and they don't call you. They're at least supposed to do that. They can't even do one simple job correctly.

I sighed and held my head, I was being a hypocrite. I couldn't even do my job correctly. I was supposed to protect Josh. He would never have had a skull fracture if it weren't for me. Some best friend I am. I sat down in front of the doors.

I just cried.

Then I stood up again and walked back inside, where the guard waited for me.

"I just want to see my friend. " I said. The guard shook his head, "Sorry sir, you heard Marina. You're not allowed back in here until your pal is out of surgery. "

I frowned and balled my fists, "That's bullshit. I can wait inside. "

Was all he managed to say before I landed a solid punch to his face.

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❧Jenna's Pov❧

"Thank you sir. " I say as I pay the man and get out of the taxi. As I approach the front of the hospital I see Tyler in handcuffs, police officers, a beaten up guy, and a nurse. I sigh and walk up to them.

"Tyler what did you do?! " I ask, tears welling in my eyes at the sight of my husband.

"I punched him, then I punched him again... And again and again. " He said blankly.

"But baby why. Why would punch this man. "

He shrugged, "Because he wouldn't let me inside. "

"Tyler th-" I sighed, "That's not a reason to punch someone. I-..... I'm going to go talk to police officers. Jesus Ty, I wouldn't be surprised if they got a restraint against you. ".

Tyler nods and I walk over to the officer and the beaten man.

" H-Hello officer, would you mind telling me what my husband did? Well, he told me but, not in detail... " I asked.

The officer turned to me, "Well ma'am. Your husband was asked to exit the hospital as he was being loud and using lots of cursing. Then when he was escorted out, he came back and beat this man. " He explained, gesturing to the man.

He had a swollen eye, a busted lip, and a small gash near his cheek. I shook my head, then nodded.

"Okay thanks. Wi-will he be charged? Like will he go to jail? " I asked.

The officer nodded, "Afraid so. He'll have this put on his record, and he might be held for a few days. We'll have to wait and see. "

"Okay." I say and walk back to Tyler

"Really Tyler?! Really. You beat up a man just because he won't let you in?" I rant, and run a hand through my hair.

"No I beat him up because I felt like it," He said, he frowned and shifted on his legs, his stare ice cold, "Y'know Jenna, you said they'd call if something happened to Josh. They didn't, he's in there getting surgery on his head because he was still bleeding. And then when I want to go see him, I can't. Then I get put out, I try to levy with the guy, and get told no. That's bullshit. "

"Tyler this is bullshit! If Josh is in there fighting for his goddamn life you should be waiting and praying that he wins. Not going around and taking your anger out on people when you can't have your way!" I argue, tears coming down my cheeks.

"Jesus I don't know who you are right now. " I whisper.

His gaze softens and he tries to move his hands, almost forgetting he's in cuffs. He sighs, "Jenna I'm sorry. " He said.

The cop walked over, "Sorry to interrupt, but I got all the information I need. It's time to go downtown, pal. " He said.

Tyler looked as if reality had finally settled in, but he just kept his head down.

Consistent tears flowed down my face and I watched my husband, the most beautiful and purest man I know, or as of today thought I knew, sit in the back of a cop car.

Now Debby and I had something in common,

both our lovers were in danger.

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