twenty seven

55 3 1

Jenna sat up, rubbing her temples as her head pounded like a beating drum. Not only that but she had this sickness in her body that she couldn't explain and it had been ongoing for a few days. She hadn't mentioned it to Tyler when she saw him yesterday, she didn't want to worry him any more than he probably already was. She sighed, "Guess that trip to Kelly's and moms will have to wait." she said, deciding to set herself a doctors appointment. She felt bad about putting off the trips longer, but she was sure that they'd understand.

She got out of bed and called her doctor, setting herself the soonest appointment they had, which was today at 3 o'clock. But there was a slight problem, 3 pm was the time she was supposed to meet with Debby so that they could go see Josh together, then they would go out for lunch or dinner.

Jenna: Hey Deb, is it okay if we go out later? a bit after 3? I have a doctors appt

Debby: yes! omg, I hope everything is okay <3 be safe babes! love you

She smiled, Debby was always so understanding and caring, she was glad to have met her and become her best friend, much like Tyler and Josh. Jenna finally got out of bed and started getting ready for her doctor's appointment.

✎ ✎ ✎

Jenna sat patiently on the bed, swinging her legs from it like a little kid as she waited for the doctor to come in. Finally, after a few minutes of waiting, and counting all the spots and marks all the wall, Dr. Rose came in. Jenna sat up and smiled, "Good afternoon, Rose." She said. Rose smiled back, "Afternoon dear. So, what brings you in today?" she asked. "Well, I've been having really painful headaches and a kind of sickness I can't shake," Jenna explained. Rose nodded, "Tell me more?" she coaxed.

  "Um, well I have cold sweats, I throw up quite often..." Jenna said, trailing off. Rose nodded, "Is that all?" she said, taking a seat on the stool in front of the computer, beginning to log Jenna's said symptoms. Jenna nodded, though Rose's back was to her, letting out an 'mhm'. Rose turned back to Jenna, "Well, we're going to run a few blood tests if you don't mind. Also, have you considered that you might be pregnant?" she said. Jenna let out a chuckle, " I think I would have noticed if I were doc. Not to mention I haven't been sexually active since Tyler went to jail." Jenna said with a smirk.

"And when was the last time you two had sex?"

Jenna thought for a second, "Sometime in January." she responded. "In all fairness Rosie, I really would have noticed if I were five months pregnant. Wouldn't the baby be growing and wouldn't I have gotten bigger?" Jenna asked. She didn't want to believe that she was pregnant. There was evidence behind it, she had always had a taste for strange foods at strange hours. Though her three am snacks were normal, twelve am was not. Neither was peanut butter, jelly, pickles, and banana sandwiches. Rose smiled patiently, "Well yeah, you would gain a generous amount of weight, but most times some people don't. Have you had your period?"

"Ha. Another reason I wouldn't be pregnant: I'm on birth control." Jenna said proudly. Rose chuckled, "Well, just to be sure, I'm going to give you a pregnancy test." she said. Jenna frowned, "But I'm not pregnant?!" She objected. Rose tilted her head, "Then you wouldn't mind taking it." she retorted.  Jenna huffed, "Fine." she said, finally giving in. Rose stood up, walking over to the door, "Alright, a nurse will be in shortly to draw blood and give you the test. I'll be back to get the results from you," she smiled, exiting the room. Jenna sighed, she didn't know who else to text about it other than Debby, so she did.

Jenna: Deb, the doctor is trying to convince me that im pregnant pls help

Debby: 😂 well are you??

Jenna: 🙄Debby! no, no i am not pregnant. at least i dont think so. wouldnt there be symptoms or sometjhing?

Jenna: something*

Debby: No, not all the time. have you ever seen that show on tlc? I didnt know i was pregnant?

Jenna: i guess you have a point. but im still thoroughly convinced that i am not.

Debby: whatever makes you happy 😂 let me know what the doctor says, im on my way to josh  ttyl

Jenna: yup!! love youuuu

Jenna looked up from her phone right on time, the nurse had just entered, holding a tray with needles and a blood holder and one freshly packaged pregnancy test. Jenna smiled nervously. "Which would you like to do first?" the nurse asked, holding the tray in front of Jenna. "Um, the blood test. Even though there's no point of it if I'm going to be taking a pregnancy test." Jenna scoffed, rolling up her sleeve. The nurse chuckled, "Well the blood test can be used to see if you have any kind of sickness, disease, or virus. Not only to check if you're pregnant." she answered politely.  Jenna nodded, "Okay. Let's get this over with then, shall we? " She smiled, preparing herself for the pricking of the needle.

She watched as her crimson red blood filled the small tube. After a few seconds it was done and the nurse gave Jenna a small gauge and a band-aid. "There all done. " The nurse grinned, placing the tube of blood on the tray, then handing Jenna the pregnancy test. Jenna gave a somewhat sarcastic and nervous laugh, taking the package. When the nurse left, Jenna walked to the restroom, careful not to sit on the seat or pee on her hand, which would have been even more disgusting. Jenna stalled looking at the test for as long as she could as she washed her hands, finally taking the test and looking at it.

"No fucking way..... " She whispered.

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