Chapter 1

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Everyone was born with one power. One specific power that correlates with their personality and soulmate.

Well, the power doesn't really decide your soulmate. But, your soulmates power is written on your wrist, so kinda correlates.

Lance was always scared of his soulmate. The words FIRE written on your wrist in a fancy font and bold colors wasn't someone Lance wanted to meet.

Lance was scared for other reasons as well, though. What... what did his soulmates wrist say? Did it say lightning? Or did it say water?

Lance had no way of knowing. Maybe it said both. Maybe it said neither. Maybe Lance would never find his soulmate and maybe he'd die alone.

Lance was scared of his soulmate but he was more afraid of dying alone. Everyone had someone. That's what soulmates were for!

Shiro had Adam, Hunk had Shay! All these happy couples and no one for Lance. Not one.

No one on the ship told each other their powers. Lance thinks they're as scared as him. But Lance later learns that it's because most already know their soulmate.

Lance doesn't. But Lance also doesn't know who else on the ship doesn't know their soulmate.

Lance thinks that maybe one of them is his soulmate. Maybe Pidge or Keith or someone. Anyone!

As Lance lay in bed, darkness surrounding him, all he can do is think. All he can do is imagine situations about him finding his soulmate.

He imagine scenarios and outrageous situations. He makes himself feel better by imagining happy endings and laughter and hugs.

But Lance wakes up and he realizes that though he had fallen asleep. It was all a dream. Lance felt heartbroken.

Lance drags himself up and takes a glance at the time. The time, in bright red numbers, read 9:15.

"Shit," Lance muttered. "Oh, no."

Lance rushes to get himself ready and when he leaves it's 9:25. Lance had taken a five minute shower that really didn't do much and was now dressed and frantically running out of his room.

"I'm here! I'm here," Lance stops to catch his breath. His jacket is pulled on halfway and displays FIRE for the team to see.

So for some reason I switched to first person and I'm too lazy to change it so sorry.

I pull on my jacket quickly and grab my bayard. All eyes are on me and no doubt they'll be mad at me for missing the morning.

"Sorry about missing breakfast," I say while getting into training gear. "I'll just eat more..."

I trail off when I see Keith whispering something to Shiro. They aren't listening. I feel a pang in my heart but ignore it.

There's a got to be a reason he isn't listening. Maybe something came up. I'll just stop talking and listen instead.

After Keith's whispers, Shiro clapped his hands and beamed at us. I felt my gut twist and I got a bad feeling about what was going to happen next.

"Today, instead of training, we will be telling each other our powers! It'll be a great training exercise and it'll build our trust with each other," Shiro explains.

Everyone shared a look but complies.

"Who goes first," asks Pidge.

Kieth raises his hand at lightning speed and exclaims, "oh! I will!" He makes a ball of flames in his hand. "I have fire powers. I can control and make flames!"

Keith looks at me for a little too long and I stare back at him. Then it clicks. My face goes to confusion then realization and Keith smiles a satisfied smile.

"How about Lance goes next," Shiro smirks. He knows something I don't. Maybe about the whole Keith being my soulmate thing.

I get ready and then realize that I have two powers. Shit.

"Uh," I stutter. "I actually have something to tell you guys..."

"What is it, Lance," Shiro asks, concern on his face. "Are you sick? Hurt?"

"No, no, no," I wave my arms around to try and get rid of the tension. "I have uhm... I have two powers!"

Everyone's faces twist into confusion.

"Two powers," Shiro says slowly. "What are they?"

"Well I can turn stuff on and off. Like electronics! I can turn off the lights, for instance," I say quickly before snapping and turning the lights on and off.

"Oh, my god. Like electricity?!" Pidge yells out.

"Not really, I can't control them, I can just-," I get cut off.

"Lance, you're my soulmate," Pidge yells again. I see Keith's face fall and he looks down.

My gut twists again and I add, "and my other power is uhh- water!"

Keith's head springs up and he watches as I move water around. I bring it through the air and freeze it into a ice sculpture.

Now, I can't control ice but I can melt and freeze water, ice, and gas. So it's kind of like I can control them but I really can't.

Both Pidge and Keith run up to me and scream, with the same tone, "you're my soulmate!"

I looked down and saw the words WATER on Keith's forearm. It's in a fancy blue font and has a sort of calm radiating off of it.

Pidge quickly does something similar. Pidge lifts up her shirt (not in that way you nastys) to the point where it only showed her stomach.

On her stomach was the bright yellow, electrifying feeling words ELECTRICITY. I felt my heart pound in my chest.

"But Pidge my power isn't-," I attempted to explain but was quickly interrupted by Pidge and Keith roughly glaring at each other.

Shiro stepped forward and pat the two on the back, "maybe you guys should let Lance decide."

Pidge and Keith then turned to face me and Pidge said, with poison on her tongue, "yes, Lance should. Choose, Lance. Me or Keith."

"Uhm- I'll need more time," I quickly come up with an excuse. I needed to find the time to tell Pidge that my power wasn't actually electricity.

Pidge wasn't my soulmate and never would be. Sorry, Pidge. My soulmate is Keith, not you.

I scurry away from the pair and into my room. I sit on the floor beside my bed and curl up into a ball.

The reality of this situation was getting to me. I had my solution, it shouldn't be this bad. But my head kept telling me it was bad. It was very very bad. Terrible even.

I put my head in my hands and stayed there for a while, trying to calm down. Then I heard a knock on my door.

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