Chapter 5

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From what Lance could see and feel and hear, he was chained up in a galra ship, Pidge close to him.

It was dark and Lance could only see the shine of Pidge's hair. He could hear the soft breaths of Pidge breathing out, unconscious.

Lance wondered how he got here. He couldn't remember much. He remembered sleeping next to Keith and talking to Keith and then Pidge walking it but... nothing after that.

Lance tried so hard to think of the answers he wanted. He thought hard on how he got here and tried to remember but his memory betrayed him.

Lance hung his head in defeat. He stayed like that for a while before he heard shifting next to him.

He looked over at Pidge and saw her slowly waking up. When she noticed she was in an unfamiliar place her eyes widened. She looked around and noticed Lance.

"Where are we?" she asks Lance. Lance gives her a shrug.

"If I knew, I would have left already," Lance responds. "All I know is we're in a galra ship."

Pidge audibly gasps, "how'd we get here?!"

Lance looks away, ashamed at his lack of memory. "I really don't know," he says.

"You don't know? How the hell do you not know how we got here?!"

"I simply can't remember. But we should probably be more worried about the fact that we are chained up and unable to leave while we're in a galra ship."

"Wait, we're...?" Lance hears chains jiggle and Pidge sigh. "Dang it, we're stuck."

Lance sighs as well. They sit in silence before Pidge breaks it again, worried and scared, "what do we do to escape?"

Lance jiggles the chains and says, "we really can't escape though. The chains are stopping us."

"The paladins are coming to save us, right?" Pidge asks, sniffling and beginning to silently cry.

Lance's brother mode kicks in and he responds with, "definitely. How could they leave their smartest on a galra ship?"

"Aw, come on, I'm not the smartest," Pidge sniffles at the grim situation. Lance could see her rubbing her eyes on her shoulder to get rid of the tears.

"I know," Lance jokes. "I meant me."

Pidge laughs loudly at that. The laugh quickly turns to giggles and then silence. Neither of them wanted to speak.

When the pair heard footsteps they spoke again.

"Is that the galra?"

"It could also be our teammates."

The door creaking open silenced them both. An all too familiar purple face poked her head into the room.

"Haggar," Lance speaks, poison on his tongue. Pidge is too scared to speak and, therefore, simply watches the events unfold.

"That one," Haggar speaks, pointing towards Pidge. "Bring her to the examination room."

Both Lance's and Pidge's eyes widen. Lance is quick to react and quickly jump and tries to attack Haggar

"No!" Lance screams. "Leave her alone! Take me instead! Leave Pidge alone!"

Haggar stares at Lance in disgust. She turns around and leaves the room with no explanation.

Pidge is left behind with Lance, who's got his teeth barred and looks like an angry dog. He simply cannot let his family get taken.

Rude or not, Pidge was part of his family and he wasn't about to let her get taken away. Lance would fight long before he'd let that happen.

After that there's a quiet buzzing. There's words to be said that neither of them want to say.

Pidge, fishing for conversation topics, thinks of ways to escape. She gasps and fantically looks at Lance.

"Our powers!" she exclaims. Lance gave her a look so she elaborated, "we can use our powers to escape!"

Lance thinks for a moment before trying to summon some water. Maybe he could pick the lock with it or flood the ship.

But nothing happened. Lance kept trying and trying but it never worked. Lance cried out, being without powers on a galra ship was dangerous.

"What?" Pidge asked. "What happened?"

"I can't... I can't use my powers," Lance tells, feeling his eyes start tearing up.

"You...? Wait."

There's a few moments of silence before Pidge cries out, similar to Lance earlier.

"What's all that noise," someone asks from outside the cell. "What's going on in there?"

Lance and Pidge shared a look and neither wanted to speak. Neither wanted to answer the guard that had passed by the cell.

There was a bang on the door and the guard asked again, "what happened in there? Trying to escape?!"

The guard opened the door with a bang. He had his gun pointed at the two of them. He kept looking between the pair.

"I'll be back," he says, turning around and leaving the room. Lance and Pidge sigh in relief as they hear the footsteps retreating.

The only problem with that relief was that it didn't last long. Footsteps soon approached again.

Lance gasped when he looked over at Pidge and saw her staring back at him creepily.

"Hello, Lance," Pidge's voice sounded off. Her eyes flashed yellow and her skin looked pink.

The door opened and Lance saw Haggar. Haggar's evil smile. Haggar's ginger piintjng right at him.

And Haggar's voice saying, "take him to the operation room."

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