Chapter 2

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In the spirit of me accidentally making the last chapter first person halfway through, this part will also be in first person.

"Lance? Can I come in?"

My heart skipped a beat. Keith, my actual soulmate, was standing right outside the door to my room.

His voice was so quiet and it sounded like he was scared. My heart felt a pang go through it as I heard him speak again.

"No? Okay, I'm sorry, Lance. Bye..." his voice was shaky and I couldn't help but rush to my feet and to the door.

I opened the door slowly and peeked my head out. My eyes were no doubt red and puffy. I hadn't noticed my own crying but with the new light of the hallway, I realized that I probably looked like shit.

"Keith?" I asked to him. He turned to face me and he looked surprised. "You can come in."

That was all I said before disappearing back into the comfort of my dark room. I sat where I was before, in the same position as before.

I heard soft footsteps and then arms wrapping around me. I knew it was Keith and I moved into the hug, hugging him back.

"Lance, are you okay," Keith asks me, his voice smooths and soft. I shake my head and let out a small whisper. "What was that?"

"I-," I stopped. Should I tell him? I move my head off of his chest and stared into his eyes. No. No I couldn't.

His eyes stare back at me, worried plastered on his face. I can't tell him, it would hurt Pidge and the others would realize I'm a freak with two powers.

But as I stole a glance at his eyes again I figured that maybe I could. Maybe I could tell him the truth, if no one else.

"To be honest," I whisper to him and go to pull up my sleeve. "Pidge is-."

I get cut off by my door slamming open go reveal Pidge. Pidge looks at me and then at Keith. She takes in our position and glared at Keith.

"I see what you're doing," she fumes. "You're trying to steal Lance from me, aren't you? Trying to steal my soulmate from me!"

Pidge storms over to us and yanks me away from Keith. I feel some tears enter my eyes when I notice that I've been taken away from my rock.

Keith was helping me feel better, he was my soulmate! I was pulled to my feet before Pidge started dragging me out of my room.

As we stepped out I noticed that Keith was staring at the floor, looking dejected. I feel my heart swell with pain before I decide to put my foot down.

"Pidge, let go of me! You're not my soulmate! I'm not your soulmate," I yell at Pidge. She stops dead in her tracks, only a few feet from my door.

"What," asks Pidge, turning around and giving my a deathly glare. "What do you mean you're not my soulmate?"

I cower back at the sight of Pidge being very, very angry. I took a step back but Pidge only followed.

I was in front of my rooms door, Keith would probably watch this go down.

"Pidge, I'm not your soulmate and y-you aren't mine," I stammer out.

"What do you mean?! What does your arm say?!"

I feel tears reach my eyes and I can't take all that yelling coming from a person I thought was my friend.

I do what my brain thinks of first and I yell back, "MY ARM SAYS FIRE! THAT'S KEITH'S POWER, REMEMBER?!"

Pidge freezes for a moment and takes a step back.

"Let me see your arm," she says after a long silence. I pause for a moment. She didn't believe me? She really doesn't trust me? "Let me see your arm!"

I quickly pull up my sleeve to show the words. FIRE seems more vibrant than I've ever seen and I don't know why.

"You," she says in a low voice. "You tricked me into thinking that we were soulmates!"

I didn't have time to tell her how wrong she was as she jumped forward and pounced on me.

"You know how much I was looking forward to finding my soulmate?! You know how hard it is to watch all your classmates find their soulmates but you can't find yours?!

"You know how hard it is to sit awake at night and hope, and dream that maybe you'll find yours?! But no, you never will! You never do!"

Tears stream down my face. I did know how it felt.

"I do know how it feels! But do you know what it's like to have two powers on top of that? I grew up thinking I was a freak, and I am. I grew up bullied and kids would say things like 'you're a fake, you'll never find your soulmate!'

"How am I supposed to respond to that?! I was only five years old at that time and I was being beat up by middle schoolers! What was I supposed to say and do?!

"Let me have this. Let me have my soulmate and let me live my happy ever after. You'll find your soulmate just please let me go, I'm not them."

Pidge's gaze softened for a second before going back to the mean glare from before.

"Never," Pidge growls out to me. She pulls me up and starts dragging me away. I take a last glance at Keith to see him staring at the wall.

He looked dead or sick. I couldn't tell you how I felt when he didn't help me as I screamed for Pidge to stop.

I couldn't yell you how I felt as Pidge threw me into an airlock and smiled at me wickedly.

I couldn't tell you how I felt when Pidge closed one door of the airlock and opened the other.

But I can tell you how I felt before I died.

Betrayal, sadness, tears. Frozen sheds of water found their way out of my eyes. Dead. That's the last thing I would feel.

I would feel my muscles tense up them go limp. I would feel my eyes twitch before stopping entirely. I would feel my heart skip a beat before shutting itself down.

I would feel my head ache with the sound of nothing around me. Then a scream, then a whole bunch of noises.

Then, dark.

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