Chapter 8

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Lance turns to face Keith. He was crying. Both boys were. Lance ran towards Keith, pulling him into a hug.

Though Keith wasn't the hugging type, he knew something was going on with Lance. His tears explained his sadness just fine.

"Some- something bad happened, Keith. I- I don't know but something bad happened," Lance said, frantic.

Keith shushed Lance, "calm down, Lance. I'm sure whatever happens, you'll make it through. You're so strong, you can make it through anything."

"No, no, not this. I- they took my power, Keith. My water and they're going to do the same to Pidge. I've got to help Pidge. I've got to wake up. I've got—."

"Lance. Calm down."

Lance glances at Keith's face. His eyes were closed and he was calm. Lance took a deep breath.

He continued that for a few minutes. Keith was telling him to stay calm and Lance was struggling to do that but was getting there.

Lance pushed Keith away after a moment. He was calmer than when he fell asleep but his breaths were still heavy.

"I've got to wake up, Keith. I've got to help Pidge."

Before Keith could respond, Lance was gone. Keith was alone in the darkness surrounding him.

Lance woke up to a Galra room. It wasn't the prison cell and Lance could only hope Pidge was okay.

Lance heard soft snores coming from somewhere in the room. It was way too dark for Lance to tell and Lance wasn't about to use his second power.

Whether it was his water or the on and off power that was taken, Lance didn't know. He didn't want to test it either.

Lance tried to stand, hoping he wouldn't pass out when he did. He didn't feel sick but, at this point, he didn't want to take any chances.

He managed to stand. After that, he tried to take a step. He managed to but he heard shackles.

He looked down and, sure enough, he was chained to the wall behind him. He only had them on his legs though, not on his arms.

Lance thought that was a bit dumb because he could easily get out. Then he realized that he didn't have one of his powers and most people only have one power.

So they've effectively trapped Lance here, unless he got a key to unlock it. He sighed, sitting back down.

Silence surrounded him for quite some time. Lance was starting to get bored. He was bored before, but he was even more bored now.

He fidgeted in his spot. His mind yelled at him to check which power stayed with him. And he did.

Small sparks came from his fingertips and the lights flickered on and off. That surprised Lance. The sparks were new, unexpected.

Lance hung his head. His water was gone, like he thought. Lance was less upset than he should've been.

He was still thinking about the whole sparks thing. Maybe it was like when someone went blind or deaf and the other senses got better.

He lost one power, so another power started to show. That was what made the most sense.

Lance did it again. Sparks flew from his fingers. One hit the wall, making a loud crack. The wall had a black spot from being burned.

The door opened suddenly, probably someone responding to the loud noise. Lance shifted his body in front of the wall.

"Hello?" Lance asked, his voice cracking at lack of use. "Who's there?"

"Relax," a voice responded. Lance did the opposite of relax. He knew the voice and he wasn't so tired that he didn't care.


"Did you like my little drink?" Lotor asked, his head popping into the room. He held a smirk on his face.

Lance felt uneasy, the mark on the wall behind him feeling like a sting to his back. He shifted in his seat, not showing the mark on the wall.

Lance didn't respond to Lotor. He just glared at the man. Lotor pouted and said, sadly, "aw, I guess not."

Then, the smirk was back. Lotor walked forward, like an animal stalking their prey. Lance's heart stopped for a split second.

"What do you want?" Lance questioned, his voice quivering with fear. He may be able to make small sparks but nothing he could hurt someone with.

Lotor continued forward, "nothing much. I just heard a crash. It sounded a bit like thunder."

Lane cursed himself quietly.

"Now, what are you hiding behind you? Did you do something to the wall?" Lotor's smirk made Lance squirm uncomfortably even while Lotor wasn't too close to him.

"N-nothing. I'm not hiding anything. The crash was just my shackles hitting the ground."

"Hm, really? Then you wouldn't mind me... checking the wall, would you?"

Lance backed up, pressing himself against the wall. He held a small hint of determination in his eyes. Determination to not have Lotor find out about his second power.

He lost one power, he couldn't lose another. Lotor got closer, putting his hand on Lance's chin and raising it.

"Now, now, Lance. I'm not going to do anything too bad."

Lotor pushes Lance, or tried to. Lance didn't budge. He didn't budge until Lotor stood, angry, and started kicking Lance in the stomach.

Lance laid on his side after that, clutching his stomach. He muttered curses in Spanish and the looked up to see Lotor's face.

There was nothing, not shock or anger or anything. Lance felt uneasy. He looked at the wall.

The scorch mark was gone.

Thunder can be heard through the waterfall (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now