Chapter 9

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Lotor had left shortly after. He seemed angry, muttering about how he was wrong and how Lance was a terrible experiment.

Lance struggled to breath for a few moment after Lotor left. He was trying to wrap his head around it.

The mark is gone. The scorch mark that Lance could swear on his life was there, is now gone. Lance was freaking out a little.

When Lotor's awfully loud footsteps decreased into nothing, Lance figures it a good time to see who or what as creating the snoring sound.

Lotor has left the lights on when he left the room, probably too angry to care, but Lance had been too caught up in freaking out about scorch marks to notice.

Lance glanced around, noticing things about the room. It was definitely Galra, no doubt about it. If the purple streaks around the door and lining the ground didn't give it away, the purple bedsheets would.

Lance glanced again at the wall behind him, at the plainness of it, before going back to his room analysis.

Someone was in the bed. The blanket going up and down with each snore. Lance hopes it's Pidge but the castle has soundproof walls for the bedrooms, so he can't be sure.

Slowly, he lifts himself off the ground to try and get a better look. With no success, he tries talking.

"Pidge?" he asks. His voice slightly cracks but he doesn't know if it's cause his throat is dry or because he's saying it so quietly.

The snores stop for a moment before shuffling. Whoever's in the bed turns around and falls back asleep. That's still kind of a response to the name.

"Pidge?" Lance asks a little louder. The person shifts again and Lance can see a sliver of hair sticking out. It's brownish-orangish, like Pidge's hair.

Lance feels relief flood his veins.


Something bangs on the door, a butt of a gun perhaps. A guard yells out at Lance, "hey, quiet down in there!"

The boy in question doesn't listen. He calls to Pidge again, just a little less loud.

"Pidge? Wake up! We gotta get out of here!"

Pidge shuffles again and Lance heard a little 'mmh' before a quiet, "Lance? Issat you?"

"Yeah! It is! Are you okay?"

Pidge grunts again, sitting up and looking at Lance through disheveled hair.

"Yeah? Why am I in a bed? Last I remember I was on a table and then a lot of pain..." Pidge trials off before going, "oh, my god! Did they do something to me?!"

Lance chooses to avoid the question, "what matters is that you're okay. We gotta get out of here, Pidge!"


And when Lance thought about it, he realized he didn't know. He hadn't the faintest clue. The two were being guarded everywhere and the power Lance had left, he didn't know how to control!

"I... I don't know," Lance admits.

Pidge gives him a look before trying to cheer him up a little saying, "well I guess we'll figure it out!"

The two sat there, silently thinking of ideas. Every time one thought of something, the other had evidence to prove it wrong.

Pidge got off the bed after a while, sitting next to Lance. Lance waited until he heard footsteps, a sign of the guard leaving to be switched out.

When the footsteps sounded, Lance pulled Pidge closer and whispered, "I've got something to bring up to you..."

Lance didn't know if he should continue, I sure of how Pidge would take it.

"What?" Pidge asked, her voice dropping to the same volume that Lance's was. Lance took a deep breath, she needed to know.

"Whatever they did to us takes away our powers," Lance forced out. Pidge faces dropped.

"Wait powers? Like all of them or just one?"

Lance caught on to what Pidge was hinting immediately, "just one. But I don't know how to control my other power yet. All I can do it turn lights on and off."

"We can work on that!" Pidge gasped, standing up immediately. "Stand up, come on, come on!"

With what little Lance could do with chains on his feet, standing he could do.

"What?" he asked when he was up. "You have an idea? I can't control my other powers!"

"Yeah! Now, focus on your hands. Think about something that made you feel strongly," Pidge instructs.

"Where'd you learn to teach this?" Lance asks, still thoroughly against this learning power thing. The burn on the wall was strange and he didn't know if he was ready for more.

"This is how my parents taught me. Now, do it. It can be any feeling: happy, sad, annoyed, angry. Do it!"

Lance closed his eyes and tried to think of something. He imagined Keith. Getting out of here and seeing him, hugging him, kissing him.

He closed his eyes harder, his body feeling out of this world with the happiness of it. The lights flickered. Pidge's voice sounded far away from Lance.

"It's not good enough. Try something else. A different emotion, maybe."

Lance thought of the opposite, not seeing Keith again. Never again. His heart sank. What would Keith do? What would Lance do?

The lights flickered a bit more, small sparks going out of his fingers. Pidge was about to tell Lance to try a different emotion when something happened.

Lighting bolts came out of his fingers, barely missing Pidge. She yelped and jumped out of the way so she wouldn't get hit.

Lance opened his eyes, seeing the walls holding some burn marks. Pidge was on the ground with open eyes, looking up at him.

"What happened?"

"It worked!" Pidge yelled, a little louder than she should've. She jumped up. "It worked! Oh we're so getting out here!"

Lance felt his heart squeeze with happiness. Getting out of the Galra's hold. A click was heard. The pair quieted immediately.

The doorknob turned.

Lotor walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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