Chapter 4

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When Keith awoke he noticed a few things. One, he wasn't on the floor anymore and, two, he felt very warm and comfortable.

But Keith needed to pee so, of course, this comfort could only last for so long. He stood up in a groggy state and waddled to where the bathroom would be.

He refused to open his eyes as it could be too bright and he didn't want to suffer because of that. Instead, he walked into the bathroom, pissed, washed his hands, and left.

He walked back to he comforts of the bed and laid down again. He was so tired that he didn't notice two arms wrapping around him and pulling him closer.

Keith fell asleep again and didn't wake up until someone was poking not him on the cheek. Keith groaned and went to turn over before he was stopped.

"Keith," a voice whispered. "Keith, wake up."

It sounded like Lance but Kieth didn't care at this point. Sleep came first, then real life and Lance.

Lance ended up shaking Keith until Keith decided to open his eyes.

"What," asked Keith. Realization dawned on him. He was in Lance's bed, sleeping next to Lance.

How did that happen?

"Why are you in my bed," asks Lance. Keith looks around in confusion despite knowing where he is.

He tried to look for answers. How did he get on the bed? Did Lance pull him up? Keith looked up at Lance.

No, Lance couldn't have done it. Lance is too much of a twig to lift anyone up. At least, from what Keith knew.

"Well," asked Lance.

"I... I don't know," responds Keith.

"You don't know?!"

"Yeah, I was on the ground and now I'm here. I-."

Lance's face lit up, "I know what happened!"

Keith looked at Lance weird, "you do?"

"Yeah! I must've pulled you up! I used to do that to my siblings after my parents left the room because they had to sleep on the floor!"


"So I must've been so used to it that I pulled you up! It makes sense," Lance continued to ramble on.

Keith sat up and put his hands on Lance's shoulders to make Lance stop talking. Lance did, in fact, stop. He stared at Keith in confusion.

"Huh," asked Lance.

"Lance, your parents made your siblings sleep on the floor?"

Sure, Keith would have to sleep on the floor when he was put with bad parents but he'd always heard good things about Lance's parents.

"Well, it was more my dad than my mom but it doesn't make much of a difference. My mom wasn't there to stop him when he would do it. She would be at work and-."

"Lance, you do realize that's not a normal thing, right? Pulling someone off the floor and onto the bed shouldn't be a normal thing."

"Well, no one's normal. I guess this is just what makes me special."

"Lance that's not oka-."

"Hello, Lance," Pidge came bursting through the door. Both Lance and Keith's heads snapped to face her.

"What are you doing," asks Pidge, a hint of poison on her tongue. "Why are you hanging out with Lance? In the same bed?"

Keith stared at her for a second. Does she not realize? Lance isn't her soulmate. Lance isn't someone who they have to fight over, cause it could be easily solved by looking at Lance's arm.

"I- uhm-," Lance tries to talk but doesn't know what to say. He also gets cut off by Pidge.

"See? You don't even have words to explain, Lance! Lets go."

Pidge yanks Lance off the bed. Lance, who's not ready to go anywhere and Lance who's still in his pajamas, confused and being dragged away.

"Uhm, Pidge wait- ow! Let go of me, Pidge!"

"No, Lance! We're going away from Keith. Keith the soulmate stealer."


Lance couldn't finish his words as someone else grabbed his other arm and pulls him close. The comforting scent of Keith quickly surrounded Lance.

"You aren't his soulmate, Pidge. How hard is it to understand that," Keith yells.

Pidge yells back, "liar! Lance is my soulmate! My soulmate! This is my chance at true love!"

Keith was taken aback and so was Lance. Lance was still being hugged close by Keith but it seemed like Pidge was only tugging harder and harder on Lance's arm.

"Pidge, look at Lance's arm! Look at the name."

But Pidge just gave one strong tug and pulled Lance away from Keith. Pidge refuses to believe that Lance wasn't her soulmate.

Pidge scoffed while storming away with Lance, "not my soulmate. Look at his arm. Bullshit!"

Pidge turned to Lance and demanded, "you are my soulmate. Understand?!"

And Lance couldn't do anything but nod. He was scared to do anything else, not wanting to dare to go against an angry Pidge.

"Good," Pidge said.

Lance swore he saw a hint of yellow in her eyes. Clear signs of the glara. Lance was afraid. Very, very afraid of where he was being dragged.

He certainly wasn't being brought to somewhere in the ship.

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