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A/N: Heyo! Once again, I'm still kind of new to the Fandom. BUT!! That isn't going to stop me from writing this story. As always the first chapter will be up shortly after the introduction. I hope y'all enjoy!

(Y/n)'s POV

You sat at your cluttered desk inside of your room on a Friday night listening to some EDM while trying to think of what to draw for the assignment that was due after Spring Break for your art class which was just next week on Monday. You were enrolled in a four-year college to try to get your degree but was forced to pick two other electives to attend there. You flung your body back in your rolling chair, took off your headphones, and let out an exaggerated sigh. I'm almost done. Hang in there, (Y/n). You forced yourself back to the desk and put your headphones again.

As soon as the foam cups reached your ears, this certain song came on. It had an incredible beat that made you stop in your tracks. Then you realized you were procrastinating. You shook your head and began working again, but that didn't stop you from tapping your pencil while attempting to think. Suddenly, the bass drops and all of these different sounds bounced through your ears and rattled your brain. What is this song? You tapped your phone to check the title of the song. "Moving On." You said aloud not paying attention to the artist. Catchy.

"(Y/n)!!!" Two high pitch voices screeched just outside your door! Before you were able to brace yourself, your three friends came barging in, in ridiculous white clothes. "Stop being a scholar for a minute!"

"Jesus guys, what the hell is this?" You pointed at their attire. Two of your friends were wearing a one piece with two giant Xs on their breast and a thin line stretching across their stomachs with black denim shorts. The one in the middle was wearing a white t-shirt with the same design as the other two and white leggings with a pair of white Vans. On her head, she wore a weird mask that looked like a cheap trash can. It had two Xs cut out in the front so she could see out of it. "Angelina, may I ask why you are wearing a trash can?"

"First of all. This isn't a trash can. It's a working LED helmet off of Amazon which cost $500 and because we're going to a concert." She answered with sass.

"Cool, have fun. Close the door on your way out." You turned back to your desk and put your headphones back on. You hoped that the song was still going but it had already moved on to the next one in the playlist. Damn. But then your song was interrupted but your headphones getting yanked off. "Hey!"

"No, (Y/n). We're going. Get any white clothes you have on right now!" Your friend to the right of Angelina walked away with your music.

"Give it back, Abby!" You snapped.

"Nope! Not until you get dressed and in the car. It's going to be a long trip." Your other friend said crossing her arms. As she did so, one piece made her cleavage very visible. It made you slightly uncomfortable.

"There's no way in hell I'm going out into public with the way you look, Amber." You said disgustedly.

"Too bad. You're not getting your music until you're ready." Amber dangled your phone in front of you and snatched it away when you leaped for it.

"Oh my god! Guys stop. I have this last assignment to do for Mr. Hamilton's class!" You pointed to your desk.

"Really?" Angelina asked. She walked over to the cluttered mess and picked up the paper. "It seems to be blank. Does that mean you don't know what to draw?" She inquired with a maniacal look on her face.

Shit. You thought to yourself another way to get out of this abhorrent night, but you were cornered. You had nowhere else to revert to. "Get the fuck out before I secretly climb out my window while you're not looking." You accepted defeat while shoving the three girls out of your room. You opened your dresser drawer and pulled out a simple white long-sleeve and a pair of white ripped jeans with a pair of white Adidas. This is so stupid. You fixed your hair from a messy homework bun to where your hair was down and decently acceptable in appearance.

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