Conclusion Pt.1

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A/N: Heyo! Again, I'm sorry for putting an end to the story. I hope I give you the conclusion that you all deserve, and yes, it's a two part conclusion. I can't wait for you guys to see what's gonna happen. See you at the end...

(Y/n)'s POV

As you walked up the freshly wet wooden steps to the fancy estate's front door you check your phone one last time to make sure it was the proper time. Chris had texted you to be at his house at eight o'clock sharp. You rang the doorbell and waited patiently on the porch. As you were standing there, you took the time to take in the beauty of the yard. The grass almost looked like fine thread in bunches. The wind blew through the serene treetops as it whisked passed your high-waisted denim shorts. Thankfully, the coffee-colored cardigan covered your scallop-edged black cami top and the rest of your slightly chilled body. The beauty reminded you how wonderful the past three years have been.

Finally, Chris opened the door to reveal him in an all-black outfit minus his white Nike high tops. The same Chris you had grown more and more in love with since that fateful night at the concert. "Wow... Can I just... Wow," Chris gaped with his jaw stuck open.

"You know, if you leave your mouth open like that you'll catch flies," You teased him. He led you by the hand inside the house you were so familiar with. You went straight for the living room that was to the left of the front door and put your bag down on the creme sofa. "Now what was so urgent that I had to be here at exactly eight o'clock." You questioned with curiosity.

"Oh, nothing really," He laughed. Both of you plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV and flipped to YouTube. The first video that popped up was about Chris on Billboard. "Look! They posted the video about my new song!" Chris exclaimed with excitement.

"You mean our song?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Let's just watch the video!" He shouted as he clicked on the clip that had the thumbnail of him in his helmet in front of a funky backdrop.

The video was titled "How Marshmello created 'Ocean' / Billboard / How It Went Down" and was done completely in subtitles. Chris was just sitting there moving his hands around while nodding his head to his own silence. My god, my man is weird. He explained that he got his hands on the song after he had an awkward encounter with one of his 'friends' who had a little too much to drink one night. That friend was you three years ago.

He goes on to explain that he then started to spend a little bit of time with the friend and completed the song by throwing some tunes together over a business dinner. That wasn't a complete lie. The two of you did have dinner, but it definitely wasn't business-related. To summarize the 'meeting', the two of you had McDonald's and finished the night by watching Netflix and getting risque under the sheets to put it lightly. You did the melody the following day after a nice shower.

Chris finished explaining how you completed the song and ended the video. "Wasn't that great?!" He asked filled with energy.

"What? The part where you waved your hands around or the part where it looked like your helmet was about to fall off?" You sarcastically mocked.

"Hey, this is a big deal! I have never published a song with my significant other before. The only time I did something related to it was with Marie. You know how that ended up," Chris sighed with disappointment.

"I know. I was just teasing you. I still can't believe Moe is okay with us being together while working on an album at the same time!" You said ecstatically.

"As James M. Barrie once said, 'The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does,' which applies to our lives pretty much. We are making music that everyone enjoys worldwide and Moe sees that!" Chris jumped off the sofa full of passion.

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