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A/N: Heyo! I'm so sorry for not posting three days ago. I have been crazy swamped with schooling! Anyways, welcome back to... MARSHMELLO MONDAY! *insert air horn noise here* or Marshmello Thursday. I hope you guys enjoy and see you at the end of the chapter!

Mello's POV

"No, Chris. She's right. She technically owns this house." (Y/n)'s mom somberly interrupted me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Angelina owned their house? I knew that (Y/n) was having financial difficulties but I didn't know that it was this bad to where she had to rely on the worse person possible.

"I'm sorry to hear that, ma'am. If there is ever anything that you need I can definitely help provide." I offered.

"That's too much to ask from someone that barely knows us. I have some dignity. Not a ton but I have enough to not act like a charity case. My daughter has a roof over her head and food to eat. That is good enough for me." She sadly smiled.

"I won't force you but you do have to think for the worse. What if Angelina stops paying? What will the two of you do then?" I asked with concern.

"(Y/n) is trying her best to maintain her friendship with her, but from what you've told me I'm going to have to move into the dorms at her college after Spring Break." (Y/n)'s mom held her hand on her forehead.

"And what about you?" I inquired nervously.

She didn't speak for a moment, but after her pause, she turned around with glistening eyes and a weak smile. "Don't you worry about me, okay? I'll be just fine." She feebly answered. My stomach turned at that sentence. My logical side already knew she was lying but the part that disturbed me was the way she looked while saying it. Something bad was going to happen if Angelina decided to pull out from the payments and I, for one, couldn't stand to let that happen. "Would you look at the time. You should probably get yourself home."

"Yes, ma'am" I nodded as I head straight for the front door until she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Just call me Erica." She smiled.

"As you wish, Ms. Erica. Good night!" I awkwardly chuckled as I waved goodbye. When I got outside, I looked around the dead street. There were dead trees all along the cracked street, and houses that had peeling paint and patches of grass in the front yard. If Angelina is so rich then why couldn't she buy them a better house in a better neighborhood? I sighed with annoyance as I sat down in my car. The thought bugged me so bad to the point it conjured a headache. It had then occurred to me that I was texting my friend from earlier. When I opened my phone, I had read probably the most conflicting message that would throw me through a whirlwind of problems later.

MARSHMELLO: Based on this information, I declare that she may not be head over heels for you.


MARSHMELLO: It doesn't necessarily mean that she isn't interested ;)

Thanks a lot, Marie.

(Y/n)'s POV

You woke up with a throbbing headache. Preparing for the torture of the sun's rays you covered your eyes as you sat up in your comfy bed. This is going to suck. Slowly, you lifted your hand away from your sensitive eyes, but to your surprise, your room was decently dark. On your desk was a bottle of Asprin and a glass of water with a folded note propped against it. You opened it to read:


I know you were looking forward to making dinner for the two of us but you were not in the right condition to do so and I was still very tired. By the time you wake up, I'll be at work already so I figured that I'd save you the trouble and put the medicine here and close the curtains. Your "friend" was here taking care of you while I was asleep. He's a really sweet boy. I hope you decide to keep seeing him instead of just "hanging out". I love you so much, kid. Take it easy today and when I get home from school you can make me that dinner you promised.

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