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A/N: Heyo! Oh... my... god... THIS IS IT, PEOPLE!!! PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR ONE HELL OF A CHAPTER!... more or less. Also, I'd like to point out that the website that I found the picture off of, titled the article "DJ Marshmello? Why is he hot?". Happy Marshmello Monday everyone! I'll see you at the end...

Mello's POV

"Oh shit. Oh, fucking shit!" I exclaimed with panic as I paced back and forth by my illuminating pool. After (Y/n) and I ate our food and hung out for a little bit, I drove back home and called up my best friend, Marie, to help me through this situation. "What am I goin' to do?"

"What are you so worried about?" Marie asked with an eye roll.

"She wants to meet Mello! IN PERSON!!! Marie what am I going to do?!" I whined. Suddenly, Marie stops me from stressing by pushing me into the pool next to me. As I swim to the surface I could hear her laughing her ass off. Real funny, Marie. "You could have just told me to calm down, jerk," I said as I pulled myself out of the cold deep pool.

"I could've, but this way was much funnier." Marie laughed as she pushed me back into the freezing water. My face felt numb as I rose to the surface once again.

"Are you serious?! What if my phone was on me?" I angrily asked pulling myself out again.

"Eh, you have enough money to buy another." She shrugged. She isn't wrong.

"Okay, well I guess this was a mistake calling you over. I need to go dry off thanks to you." I mopingly lugged my soaked self into my enormous house. It had 10 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms. Why so many bathrooms? Beats me. One of those bedrooms is used as my music studio. That's where I keep my helmet and my music equipment. No one has ever been in that room; including Marie. That is my safe space that no one can bother me in.

Marie had been trailing behind me the entire time I was walking to my bathroom to dry off. She sat on my king-sized bed while I looked for a towel in my closed off bathroom. "Listen, I know I'm not exactly the best person to be asking for love advice. Especially with... that reason that we don't talk about." Marie shyly admitted as we both went still for a quick moment. "But I'm sure there won't be a problem. If you would like, I could be there during the meet n' greet to make sure things roll over smoothly."

"You know, that would be nice. I have a plan and it's absolutely nuts but I think I can pull it off." I explained. The plan seemed very cliche but very plausible. I discussed the details with Marie and she agreed with them. The entire time I was explaining it to her she seemed like she wanted to burst out into laughter. I just brushed off that it was because I had yet to find a towel. By then I had decided to just wait for her to leave and take a shower.

Marie left after we had some Postmates and watched funny fail videos. I then took the liberty to finally go to my bathroom and take a shower. The warm water flowed over my tense muscles as I continuously thought of (Y/n), but not in the way you think. Recently, I couldn't get her off my mind. When I eat breakfast, I imagine her eating across from me. When I'm in my studio writing new songs, I write the songs about her. When I go to sleep, I see her in my dreams. Chris, get yourself together. "She only sees you as a friend," I say aloud; swallowing some water as well. Then why did she say yes when you asked her out?

I shake my head and finish washing myself off. Once I was completely clean, I crawled into bed and pulled the heavy black, white and grey covers over my cold body. As I twist and turned in my huge bed, I pulled out my phone and texted (Y/n).

Hey, you up? : YOU

I stared at the screen in hopes that she would respond. After five minutes, I accepted the fact that she was most likely asleep. I locked my phone and threw it onto my night table. All of a sudden, a ding notified me that I had received a message. I quickly picked my phone back up and read the message.

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