Conclusion Pt.2

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A/N: Heyo! This is the very end of the story and I'm low-key starting to feel a little sad that I'm ending it, but it is for the best! I'll see you at the end...

Chris's POV

I stood there dumbfounded at what had just happened. She just up and ran... I composed myself from my kneeling position and stared in the direction that (Y/n) once was. Did I rush into it? Did I embarrass her? Does she not want to marry me? Many thoughts whirled around my head in different directions leaving me speechless. Julian comes up behind me and pats me on my back. He says something but I'm not able to make out what he is saying. It's all a muffled sound in slow motion.

He guides me to the mini bar that we had set up for the occasion and grabs something to drink. He continues to talk but the only voice I am able to hear is my own disappointed one asking aloud, "Did I mess up?" Eventually, I gandered over my slumped-over shoulder with a drooping face and continued with "Did I ruined the chance of happiness for the both of us?"

"You didn't ruin anything, Chris. You're just overthinking again. I'm sure that she's just overwhelmed. It's a big decision to make! Especially in your case," Julian reassured but it did little to nothing.

"We've been through a lot, Slush. She's been apart of my life for the past three years! I had so many plans..." I sighed. 

"And those plans are still on! Nothing is going to jeopardize your romantic arrangements. You just need to give her a little bit of time to process what you asked," He consoled.

I temporarily agreed but the topic was still stuck in the back of my head; taunting me like a cat playing with a mouse. Julian, desperate for straws, calls over Marie and Cassidy to attempt to cheer me up. "So, you pushed her into the pool?" She asked sipping her beverage from her dixie cup casually.

I inhaled my drink while Julian burst into laughter. My face flushed red hot when I slammed my plastic cup on the table, "I thought she was wearing her bathing suit. So I assumed she was going swimming! It's not my fault."

"Calm down, Cowboy. I'm only trying to make you laugh," Marie chuckled lowly.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Chris. You know how she gets when something is stressing her out. I have to admit, a giant party and popping the question probably wasn't the best idea you've had," Cassidy cringed holding Marie closely to her body.

Julian coughed aggressively in her direction as to signal that she was doing wrong, "Now's not the time to be pointing that out, Cass!"

"No, she's right. I was so caught up in the moment of planning that I completely ignored how'd she react. I'm selfish, aren't I? " I rhetorically asked full of regret.

For a short while I heard nothing but the distant chatter of the other party-goers, but then Marie spoke through the silence, 'You remember when you went on your first date with (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, it ended in a disaster! What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to say that our relationship is ruined now?" I snapped. A hush overcame the party as all of their eyes were glued on me.

"Easy, Chris. You know that's not what she meant. Relax, okay?" Cassidy stood in front of her in a protective stance.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean any harm... I-I... I'm sorry, Marie." I apologized. Everyone turned away and continued on with their free food and drinks.

Cassidy then seemed to have noticed something and excused herself out of the conversation, "I'll be right back. I love you, my Rose."

Marie blushed for a short moment but then retained her serious tone, "As I was saying, when she thought you were treating her like a charity case she was devastated, correct?" She carried on. All I could do is nod my head filled with guilt. "What did you do to reassure her that she wasn't?"

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