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A/N: Heyo! I won't keep you waiting. I can't wait to find out how you're going to react! I'll see you at the end of the chapter.

Mello's POV

The entire night was exhausting. The constant going back and forth between two personas. I had come prepared though. I just wore my "Marshmello" clothes over my "Chris" clothes. You would think you could see my normal clothes underneath but I chose my thickest white clothes to prevent that. The only thing I needed to change was my pants and put on my helmet. I can tell you that this worked up a sweat. When I was finished changing I turned to go greet everyone again while holding my helmet. That was when I froze dead in my track.

"Chris?" (Y/n) softly asked. I couldn't move my body. I just stood there looking dumbfounded at the young woman who had discovered my identity. So easily as well! How did you let this happen?

"Heh. Um, got you!" I blurted the first thing that came to mind. The joke card. "Haha! You should've seen your face! You were like-"

"Spare me the show. It's obvious it's you..." She exclaimed. Her voice was like the drift of a feather; delicate and light. Think of something Chris! You can't go down like this! But I didn't. I continued to stand there bewildered. What was I supposed to do? I was being extremely obvious that I was Marshmello. "I understand the whole point in this dinner now."

Immediately, I knew exactly where she was going to go with that statement. "No. (Y/n) don't try to turn this around just because you know about my true profession. I truly like you!" I honestly said.

"You never liked me! I'm just your charity case, aren't I? Poor, suicidal girl gets evicted from her one-bedroom apartment after getting the shit beat out of her, but famous DJ saves her life, sees her in the hospital, and invites her to dinner. Wow, ain't that a headline." She scoffed as she stormed out the door. I called out to her but to no avail, she continued to walk. My legs followed her out the front door and past the two confused people still sipping on their wine. "Stay away from me! I'm tired of being used by everyone!" She sobbed.

"(Y/n), can you please just stop walking for a second so I can clear things up." I begged but she ignored me. "STOP!" I yelled. Finally, her beautiful legs stopped moving. They froze in place like a statue in a park. Her back was still faced away from me but I could hear the hiccups escape her delicate mouth. "I'm sorry for snapping like that, but would you please let me explain," I begged.

She slowly turned around to face me with a tear-soaked face. "Why?" She asked holding back a sob.

"Because I just want to clear up-" I was interrupted.

"No, why did you save me? Why didn't you just let me be?" She said as she released the tears.

I don't know what came over me but I just couldn't hold it back anymore. "Why? Because I-I love you! I know it's sort of soon to say something like that but I couldn't stand the thought of not seeing you ever again... Since that night at the concert, you've been on my mind." I had started to explain. "Something about you just drove me crazy. I had to see you again. So I gave you my number. When you texted me the following day, it made me beyond ecstatic. When we played at the arcade and wore ridiculous items into a fancy restaurant, I just couldn't hold back my happiness to see you smiling. Even when we ate Taco Bell in your dorm room and you ended up tackling me for your food. You don't seem to understand how much you've affected me in my everyday life!"

(Y/n) stood there baffled at my choice of words. She didn't say a single word for a few minutes. The sound of the crickets filled the tense night sky. Julian and Marie were standing behind us confused about the current situation. Alas, she opened her mouth to speak but couldn't get any words out. After a few tries, her sentence finally fell out. "I-I think I need to go home..." She hiccuped. My heart shattered as I heard those words. Damn it, Chris! You pushed your strong ass feelings on to her so suddenly. She probably hates you for it now. She has a ton of shit on her plate and you are adding onto it.

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