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A/N: Heyo! Here's the full chapter from the Thanksgiving update. I'm sorry I had you guys waiting so long! Merry (late) Christmas to all (or something else. Not gonna judge)! I also... got something else for you besides this beautiful chapter. More info at the end!

(Y/n)'s POV

Marie escorted you to your dorm and take it upon herself to walk in which was quite comical. When Cassidy saw who waltz through the door, you were pretty sure she passed out, died, then resurrected herself to meet the Anne-Marie. Cassidy went on a frenzy on the stereotypical fan responses; completely ignoring you. Eventually, Anne-Marie had asked where your room was and slightly pushed you into it. She tucked you into bed and slept in the living room overnight.

The next day, Cassidy had gone off to her classes as per usual. Luckily, yours weren't until the late morning. You went out to check on Marie only to find her about to do the same for you. "Can we talk?" She questioned with concern. You agreed and let her into your tiny room, she had sat down on the bed, along with you, and placed a hand on your thigh to which your face turned bright pink. "You okay, Hon?" She asked with a reassuring smile.

"I'm going to be honest. I don't know what I'm feeling right now." You answered truthfully.

"What happened? At Chris's house, I mean." She inquired still soothing your inner thigh. 

"I-I... I don't know." You stammered. "At first, I was very angry. I felt like he was using me to gain more popularity or some shit."

"You know that wasn't what he was trying to do that right?" She questioned clarifying the statement at hand.

"Well, yeah but the intense feelings I experienced were unbearable. I just had to get out of there and clear my head, ya' know?" You explained.

"Okay, but he confessed his feelings for you didn't he? But yet you still left, why?" She interrogated with a mischievous smirk.

"As I said, it was just a lot to take in at that very moment. Also, it's only been five days since we've known each other. My brain was telling me that it was too soon but my body was telling me that... I don't know." You attempted to understand what you were thinking. To make matters worse, it was just then that you realized that Marie's hand had moved from its original spot, but not where you think she would. Her hand was very close to your region but her eyes were still locked on to yours. A wave of heat washed over you and all sense was long gone. "Uh... Marie? W-What are you-?"

"Listen (Y/n), the entire night I couldn't get my eyes off of you. There was just something about you that intrigued me. I had to get to know you. Thankfully, that ridiculous idea of Chris's bought me some time. By the end of the night, I just had to have you." Marie explained in a low and hypnotical voice.

"W-Wait... So you knew about his whole plan from the start?" You questioned growing a little angry.

"Of course I knew, but that's not what we're talking about right now. This is about you and me. What do you say?" She questioned with a seductive composure.

You could barely compose a short sentence. This is all too much! You nervously chuckled as you continued to stare Marie in her lustful eyes. "I-I don't know what to say-"

"You don't have to say much. Just let me handle everything and you should feel just fine." She explained as she crawled on top of you. 

Your head was spinning, your cheeks were blushing, and your heart was palpitating. Your thoughts were being turned to mush one by one... except one. This thought was the one that brought the courage to say, "No, Marie. I-I don't want this," as you wriggled your way out from under her.

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