Stolen memories

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"Walk over there slowly," Rat Man sneered at Thomas and Minoh.
They did and soon the RatMan was pointing the gun at all four of them.
"I'm so glad you could all join me. Things are going a little slower than planned, so I decided to speed things up. What I'm about to to tell you won't matter a bit because you won't remember any of it."
"What are you bloody talking about." Sneered Newt.
The RatMan aimed the gun at Newt and fired. You hear a loud snap and suddenly Newt is on the floor, electricity arcing over this whole body.
Immediately Thomas and Minoh race forward toward RatMan, furious, but don't make it even five steps when they too get hit.
You see all three of them shaking uncontrollably on the floor and can't hide your horror.
The Rat Man sneers at you. "Are we going to have a problem, too?"
Hatred bubbles inside you but you know there is nothing you can do. Not yet.
The three boys on the floor have stopped shaking and are slowly getting up. They don't seem to have all their strength back yet. You meet Newt's gaze and can see the pain he's in. And something breaks inside of you. You can't stand it. He tries to give you a reassuring smile, but you can see how hopeless he feels.
"Now that I have all of your attention," continues the Rat Man. "As I was saying. We have been testing you. Looking inside brains to try and figure out a puzzle. We think everyone in this school has potential, but you four are the most important. That's why I'm going to erase your memories and send each of you to a different experiment. We think inside your brains is the key to something big."
Newt reaches for your hand and pulls you toward him. "I won't forget you. I promise."
       "I won't forget you either. I promise."
Just then a red mist comes through the floor and the world went dark.

Hey thx so much for reading! Be sure to tell me what you think and offer any suggestions/comments!!!

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