Family of Rogues | Part 3

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A/N: This takes place around season 2 episode 3 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed, including the fact that GoldenVibe was never a thing and let's imagine that you had met Lisa Snart at some point within the last couple of months. (You'll see why when you read the story.)
Warnings: Mentions of abuse. Swearing.
Word Count: 3919
y/n = Your name
Davis = Your Last Name

After Professor Stein had collapsed, Caitlin had ran some tests and discovered that his blood pressure was extremely high and that that was most likely the cause of him passing out. Caitlin had ordered him to bed rest so whilst Professor Stein was recuperating in the med bay, you and the rest of the team, including Jay, had discovered the breach in S.T.A.R Labs.

As you all discussed the breach, Professor Stein walked in, earning a stern telling off from Caitlin. Then after persuading you all to let him stay, Barry tried to run at the breach with superspeed before getting bounced back and Jay insisted that you'd consider the breach as a door and that if they stabilised it, Barry could jump through.

Then Professor Stein ushered you all out of the lab telling you to "cherish the gift of youth" so you all decided to meet up with Iris and go to Jitters.

You, Caitlin, Iris and Cisco were currently sitting at a table whilst Barry went to get you all coffee.

"Who's that talking to Barry?" Iris asked, nodding towards the woman besides Barry.

"Oh, that's Patty Spivot. The one that the Sand Demon kidnapped."                                     

"Dang, she's good looking."


"What? She is."

"Not the point."

Though she did look better in a suit than her uniform.

"Okay, guys, shush, he's coming over." Iris said quickly.

"Alright, five Flashes. Be careful. Apparently, they are super-caffeinated." Barry warned, placing the mugs down on the table. "First, I have a day named after me. Now, a drink."

"Yeah, I know. Not even y/n has a drink yet."

"Really, Cisco?"

"I'm just saying." He said, taking a sip from his mug.

"Hey, you guys think Professor Stein is okay, right? I mean, Clarissa would call if there was anything wrong." Caitlin asked, slight worry coming through her voice. You all reassured her but she insisted on calling him which led to Cisco doing an impression of the Professor.

"Young lady, these repeated intrusions are interrupting what should be a speedy recovery."

You started laughing at how uncanny his impression was when you accidentally knocked into the person behind you.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." You turned around and saw a very familiar face.

"Don't apologise. You can bump into me any day, y/n."

"Lisa Snart."

Though you had met Lisa Snart before, when you were still a cop, since joining Team Flash, you had encountered Lisa Snart a lot more, as well as her brother. She also seemed to take a shine to you, always taking the opportunity to flirt with you at any chance she got.

And it probably didn't help that you slept with her that one time.

But it wasn't your fault, you had had a really bad day and ended up getting completely and utterly smashed and Lisa just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

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