Fresh Start | Part 6

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A/N: This takes place between season 2 episode 5 and episode 6 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed.
(Also, send in requests)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 3022

"Are you sure?"

You waved your hand and the guns, that the robbers were currently about to use to shoot at you, flew towards you. With the men disarmed, Barry ran around them and cuffed them.

"Yeah, I've doing a lot of thinking and I think it's the right decision for me."

After handing the cuffed robbers to Joe and Patty, Barry ran you both back to S.T.A.R Labs.


"Yes, Barry, really."

"But I'm gonna miss you," Cisco said, pouting.

"Cisco, I'm not leaving you. I'm still working at S.T.A.R Labs, but I'm just also going to be a detective too."

"Does my Dad know?" Iris asked, as Barry took off his mask whilst you did the same.

"Yeah, I spoke to him the other day and then when I spoke to Captain Singh, he vouched for me. Which he didn't have to do because Singh decided to instantly rehire me but I thanked him anyway."

"But I'm going to miss you." Cisco repeated, making you all laugh.

After an in-depth discussion with the team about ARGUS, you came to the realisation that since some ARGUS agents were still morally ethical, you wanted to exemplify the work that they do by going back to being a detective.

Except this time, you were going to become a field cop rather than someone who dealt with reports and information.

Though you initially had some reserves about going out in the field, the most notable being you changing the future in some way or someone recognising you, you realised that the future was going to change no matter what and you couldn't stop that. But what you could do is help Barry and the others change it for the better.

And what better way to do that than by being a cop on Joe's meta-human task force and a meta-human protecting the city?

"Cisco's right, though, y/n. It's going to be weird not having you here all the time."

"Don't worry, Cait. I'll still be here more often than you think. I'll just be wearing a badge most of the time. And I'm not going to let it interfere with the work that we do here. I mean, Barry disappears half of the time and it's all good."

"True, I can always just run us both back here and we both get dressed super quick anyways, so it's not a hassle."

"So, when do you start, y/n?"


You all turned to the entrance of the cortex where Joe stood.

"Hey, sweetie." Joe kissed Iris's forehead.

"Today?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, Singh can't wait to have you back and quite frankly, neither can I. I've been saying for months that you've needed to come back."

"Thanks, Joe."

"So, you ready to go? Obviously after you take off all that," Joe gestured to your Meson outfit.

You went into the med bay and not even five minutes later, you came out dressed in a black pantsuit, your wavy hair flowing just past your shoulders.

"Damn, y/n, looking good." Iris commented as you smirked.

"Thanks, Iris."

"That was quick, even by my standards." Barry said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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