Bombs and Phones

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"I still think you two would be cute together." Alice muttered. We walked into the broadcasting room and it was filled with people rushing to and fro. 

"Why do we have probies in here? We're going live in a few minutes!" Someone yelled. 

"Sorry, no, we're not probies. We're here for the bank robbery." Alice corrected harshly. 

"I'm Y/n L/n." I added. Whoever called us probies were walking towards us and they apologized swiftly. 

"We were wondering you'd ever show up. I assume details with Mr. Jameson were harsh?" He asked. 

"Yep." I responded. 

"Well, I'm Mr. Robertson, but you can call me 'Robbie'. Everyone else here does. So you're the one who scared the thief off?" He asked. 

"Sure." I replied. 

"Alright... Our interviewer will meet you here shortly. Carol! She's here!" Robbie yelled. 

A tall woman with blonde hair and sky-blue eyes walked towards us briskly. "Hello ladies, I'm Carol Danvers. You?" She asked, holding out her hand. 

"Y/n L/n. This is Alice." I responded, shaking her hand. 

"Alright, Y/n, if you could just take a seat here, we'll be interviewing you in a second. Now, don't be offended if this doesn't make it on the news. The Daily Bugle live broadcast is new, so the likeliness of the broadcast showing on everyone's t.v. is low." She replied. 

"That's okay Ms. Danvers." I replied. 

"You can just call me Carol. Ms. Danvers is too professional." Carol corrected. 

"Won't Mr. Jameson get mad about the informalities?" Alice asked. 

"He never watches it. He trusts Robbie and I." 

"Carol! We're ready to start the broadcast!" Robbie shouted. The studio went silent. 

"C'mon Y/n." Carol said with a smile. She led me to a seat, and we sat at a large oak table. 

"Ready in three... two..." 

We were live. 

"Hello New Yorkers, I'm Carol Danvers, and today we've got a special broadcast. To those of you who don't know about the robbery that took place last night, our famous Astro Gallery of Gems was robbed just last night. The thief has been apprehended, however his name will not be presented so that he may have a fair trial. Now that you've been informed of the previous actions, I now bring you the tenager who foiled this robbery, Y/n L/n." 

The camera turned towards me, and Carol asked, "What were you doing up so late when you had foiled the robbers plan?" 

"Well, I'm currently going to college in the government division. To be more specific, I mean NCIS, or the CIA. You should always keep your eyes and ears open so you don't get attacked from behind." 

"Are you implying that the thief was attacking you?" Carol asked. 

"Of course not. You see, I was studying for my upcoming test, when I heard quiet footsteps. I looked out my window, expecting to see an animal of some sort, but instead I saw a thief. He dropped the jewels, and bolted." I responded. 

"Are you saying there wasn't just one, there were indeed two thieves?" Carol responded. 

"I thought there was only one. If I scared a thief, and the police apprehended one, I'm guessing there was an accomplice involved. Maybe they had a rendezvous point and they went on from there." 

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