Preparing For the Gala pt.2

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(In order to see your outfit you must click on the picture in the top. Or you can look at the one I'm going to put down at the bottom.)

I only had a few more days to train for the gala. I was perfectly fine when fighting in my suit, or even in street clothes, however, in formal dresses I was having a hard time. I was practicing with Natasha, and I hate to say it, but I was not off to a good start. Today, I was in a mermaid dress, red in color, and let me tell you, it was uncomfortable. I had a concealed jun in my clutch (the purse) I was holding, along with some of my electrocuting gadgets. My garrote, silver in color, was fashioned as a belt, so that way it was always easy access. In my black dress that we bought a few days ago, a hidden pocket was installed for a small knife, or a dagger. 

Nat threw a punch at me, but I blocked it with my garrote. She kicked me in the stomach, and I felt the urge to puke. I doubled over, and fell to my knees as she came closer. She threw a punch at me again, but it hit my arm instead of my face. "What do I do, what do I do? You're fighting an assassin right here, right now, and she could kill you easily. So far, you're not looking good. What are you going to do with your-"

Realisation dawned on me, when I remembered I could trap her hand. I twisted the garrote, so that her hand was trapped. This garrote was made of leather, while my other one was being fixed up to look nice enough for the gala. She tried to punch me with her other free hand, but I ducked. I spun us around in circles while her hand was still trapped. Unknowingly, I released the garrote and she fell to the floor. I got out my gun, and aimed it at her. "Bang bang..." I whispered before pulling the trigger. A small nerf bullet was now stuck to her head. 

"Good job, agent Miller, or whatever it is." Natasha nodded. I held out my hand, so she could get up, and she took it. "It's been a long time since I've had a good fight."

"You almost had me there. I was panicking. Also, you're well aware that the nerf bullet is still on your head, right?" 

"Really? Is it?" 


She went to go swipe it off, but nothing was there. "You're dead meat!" She hissed. 

"No, no, no, I'm not!" I yelped. 

The mermaid dress was able to be torn off from the waist, so when I tore it off, I threw it at Natasha to confuse her. Only, that didn't work. I was glad to be in my yoga pants though, they would allow me to move easier. I ran towards the basketball hoop that just randomly there, and climbed up the back of it. I saw a railing and grabbed it. I slithered under the bar, and appeared on the walkway. She was climbing the ladder, quicker, and she was getting nearer. I decided to unbuckle one of my high heels, so they wouldn't get caught in the holes. I watched as her red wavy hair appeared at the end of the railing. My other shoe was unbuckled. 

I threw one of the shoes at her head, and it hit her. "Lucky shot." I thought. I decided to climb the pole I was next to. Once I found a small concealed corner, I slithered under. "Goose? What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Well, you see, I wanted to come talk to you, and right now seems like a good time. Look down at your paws, but don't yell." 

"Paws?" I looked down, and saw how I was able to slither under the piece of metal that took me to this corner. I was now a kitten. A black kitten. "How did this happen?" I asked, looking at the small pink jelly beans on the bottom of my paws. (I almost named my cat Jellybean, because that's what the pads reminded me of.)

"Apparently, you can turn into a cat. I cant tell if this was experimental, or if you were born with it. Nonetheless, you will be able to change back, and you will still be in your clothes. It wont be like Twillight where if they turn into a wolf, they're naked." He scoffed. 

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